I disagree. http://news.yahoo.com/destiny-gets-quest-just-pop-124923224.html;_ylt=AwrBT4UTG4xV44UA.l1XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTExcTQ3amU4BGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDREZENl8xBHNlYwNzYw-- "Cans start hitting 7-Eleven stores in July and elsewhere in August. A Destiny-branded four-pack of Red Bull will hit Walmarts closer to the Sept. 15 release of The Taken King and will include a "Mega XP Accelerator." Yahoo quoted this from Polygon. Plus......my 7/11's don't have them yet. Will have them next week.
No. My vendors said that we won't get them at my store till monday