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Edited by DeadSoul103: 6/22/2015 7:27:44 AM

Why veganism shouldn't be an option. I really had to think about this thread because I understand that Off topic is filled with extremely intolerant people especially republicans. ...but putting that aside, I'm going to post my opinion on veganism. First of all, veganism signifies not consuming any animal and/or animal byproduct. The reason why veganism shouldn't be an option, and the whole American populous should become vegan is for the sole purpose of being healthy, more aware of the food consumed, and stop animal deaths. Yes, meat should be banned from the states. Before you go bashing me, remember that there is a positive correlation with veganism and intelligence. Not only will the U.S. be more intelligent, but animal farms would be banned, no more animal deaths, the average American would lose more weight, and we can come up with state of the art technology to increase crop yield organically and sustainably. This would be a huge step for human progress, and this would make the U.S. more intelligent. [spoiler]But that's only IF you repubtards allow the government to ban meats, so we can progress as a whole.[/spoiler]

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  • [quote]US will become more intelligent. [/quote] Now that's a thought. The burger-monkeys becoming intelligent. Ha! Quite a funny one. Jeeves! Get me another glass of wine please.

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  • Tacos the mighty! Tacos the unerring! Tacos the unassailable! To you we give AIDS! We are but faggôts, writhing in the filth of our own shitposts! While you have ascended from the dung of , and now walk among the stars! But you were once man! Aye! And as man, you said, "Let me show you the power of Tacos Badstench, born of the South, where my breath is biological warfare. I breathe now, in royalty, and reshape this ass which is mine. I do this for you, Floodians, for I love you." Aye, love. Love! Even as man, great Tacos cherished us. For he saw in us, in each of us, the future of the flood! The future of Taco Bell! And there it is, friends! The ugly truth! We are the children of man! Tacos is the true god of man! Ascended from flesh, to rule the realm of spirit! The very idea is inconceivable to our Desticle enemies! Sharing the forums with us? With man? Ha! They can barely tolerate our presence on ! Today, they take away your forum. But what of tomorrow? Do the Desticles take your booty threads? Your debate threads? Your Lenny? Your very sanity? And what does the Ninjas do? Nothing! Nay, worse than nothing! The Ninja machine enforces the will of the Desticles! Against its own people! So rise up! Rise up, children of the Flood! Rise up, Shitposts! Embrace the breath of mighty Tacos, he who is both man and Divine! For we are the children of Foman! And we shall inherit both the forums and the booty! And we, not the Desticles or their toadies, will rule Deez Nuts! Forever! Terrible and powerful Tacos! We, your unworthy servants, give AIDS! For only through your grace and benevolence may we truly reach Bel Air! And deserve our AIDS you do, for we are one! bad air ascended and the AIDS became mine, you walked among us, great Tacos, not as god, but as man! Trust in me, Floodians! Trust in the words of DuuJ! For I am the chosen of Tacos! I alone have been anointed by Tacos to spread his holy ass cheeks!

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  • Da hell is a vegan

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  • Edited by The Nold: 7/14/2015 2:41:44 AM
    Regardless of the potential positive aspects of this, no. Now, personally, when politics are concerned, I tend to dislike Republicans and Democrats equally; I am no "Repubtard," as you so [i]eloquently[/i] put it. I believe both ends of the political spectrum result in less freedom for the people. All that said, this is a [i]verdammt schrecklich*[/i] idea. First off, there's the matter of you saying that the government should [i]force everyone to cease eating meat,[/i] because you think it would advance the species. This is [i]scarily[/i] similar to justifications used by the National Socialist German Worker's Party: that people not of Nordic descent, the disabled, and the elderly were holding back humanity, so they should be killed [i]en masse[/i] to allow the species to advance. While what you are suggesting is by no means on par with genocide, it [i]does[/i] mean taking rather basic rights to choose away from people, along with other repercussions. The first of these that comes to mind (and, unfortunately, the only one that I have time to get into at this moment) is the vast number of animals that would begin to starve to death slowly and painfully rather than a much more humane death from hunting or slaughter. It's a very simple game of numbers: no animals being killed for food means more animals, and more animals means less food per animal, which, in turn, means gradual and painful starvation. The ecosystem simply cannot sustain the sudden swell in animal population that would result from removing hunting and slaughter from the equation. I really wish I had time to get deeper into the issue, but unfortunately I do not, so this will have to be all I say for the moment. If you think I'm wrong, feel free to try to prove so. Key word here being try. *German [spoiler]And yes, I realize that this is most likely satire, but I still feel like this needed to be said.[/spoiler]

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    • Meat master race!!!

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    • If you have to cook it in order to eat it, then you aren't meant to eat it.

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      16 Replies
      • Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

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        • I thought you were about to bash veganism for a second. The people who disagree with you just don't bother with the facts that a vegan diet decreases risk of heart disease, cancer, and cholesterol levels. It also benefits the environment. Sorry everybody. I want to progress into a vegan lifestyle as should everyone else.

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          • Necrobump

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          • Main downside they can't spit or swallow

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          • Stop it, you're scaring away potential liberals.

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          • 1
            You are a -blam!-ing idiot. That is all.

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          • Vegetarian: no Vagitarian: Yes

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            • Edited by Gabiscis: 7/10/2015 10:38:01 PM
              When has banning things like alcohol or weed ever solved any problems? And now you are suggesting we do that with some of the most important and commonly consumed foods, GG no re.

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            • Bacon.

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            • LOLOLOLO Necrobamp

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              • 1
                Op turns intelligent thoughtful post into republican hate. Op is confirmed fig

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              • *Eats 72 ounce steak* Come at me vegans with your lack of proteins.

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                3 Replies
                • OP is fgt

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                • Edited by BigStupid: 6/29/2015 6:12:38 PM
                  I am not intolerant, but this is the dumbest thing I have heard in a while. Humans should eat meat because we are omnivores, meaning we eat plants and MEAT. Also, get this, some people like meat. Good luck get this done though, we all know what happened with the prohibition.

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                • This is probably the stupidest thing I've read in a while congrats!!!!

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                • Edited by DigitalNinja: 6/29/2015 6:05:13 PM
                  A world without bacon is a world not worth living in. Not only that, but you would be eliminating a natural food source of ours. Humans evolved to primarily eat meat.

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                • While I completely disagree with OP, I love meat way too much, people in this thread are terribly misinformed about nutrients

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                • So, take away everyone's right to eat as they please? Because ..... Why? You do realize that your killing jobs by this right? I mean, hundreds of thousands of jobs, both rural and urban. Farmers would have to shut down their farms, and tons of factories that process animal products would also be shut down. Man, you talk about intelligence but you haven't even thought this through entirely.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Soo, as a vegan. May I ask you how you feel about genetically engendered meat? We are almost at the point where we can grow meat as if it were a crop, would you eat that? It's never been alive? It's never been anything other than a slab of meat.?

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                  • Some of us enjoy eating meat. The same way that some people enjoy leather seats in their cars, some people enjoy smoking, drinking, driving motorcycles/dirtbikes, playing sports, riding snowmobiles, owning a fishing boat, etc. They are all bad for you/the environment somehow, but they shouldn't be banned.

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