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6/18/2015 4:16:30 AM
lol what a chode! Not only are you a big whiny baby, but apparently you have a phallic obsession too. Good for you son. Aaaaaaand here goes my point..... You are whining and complaining about a video game! You are crying about some raid you thought was promised to you. You're crying! And crying and crying. See the point? [spoiler]ill help you out here son. You see, unless you have something [b]in writing[/b], it's never a guarantee. And we'll, I'm guessing you have some sort of golden document from Bungie that says they're giving you a raid in the next release after Crota. Well re reality is that it didn't happen. And it's not gonna happen. And the bottom line, despite your trolling and pointless proxy verbal quips, it's not going to change for you. You weren't promised shit. Your needs and relevancy are as useless as the atomic weight of mosquito shit. So save some face and integrity and just stop crying. For someone as smart as you, or at least as smart as you like to think you are, your cries and pouts are barely making a scratch on the wall. [/spoiler]

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