originally posted in:DestinyTheShow
Personally this in the most doesnt upset me and im in the Uk where we get even more stung . I've had the best £1 per minute experience from any game besides possibly final fantasy 7 ( REBOOOOOOTTTTT!!) . As for the extra shaders armour etc we are stuck with limited storage . For example ,I cannot imagine deleting any of my shaders acquired from completing end game activities , with the added ones i keep because there my personal favourites i have no room . Destiny is not Pokemon we don't have the vault space .
Trailer looks epic , take my money Bungie and welcome new guardians , I'd pay the extra money to start playing from day 1 anyday
That final fantasy 7 remake has me so excited as well! I am sure Deej will talk about the pricing system in more detail once the event is over. Additionally it may end up being an activision decision and not bungie.