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6/16/2015 9:59:03 PM

Pre-order cancelled.

I'm unfortunately going to have to cancel my pre-order for The Taken King. I can not condone these types of business practices from such an esteemed company. This is just as bad as having to buy the same game 2-3 times from different stores to unlock all the exclusive real life vendor dlc. I have to buy the game a second time so I can have a cool sparrow that I'll barely be able to see due to my character obscuring it, an exotic class armor piece that increases xp that I'll never be able to use because I need to rank up my factions, and emblems? How can you give out emblems to players? It was bad enough when you gave out emblems to people for being on for way too long, now you give it out exclusively to new players and only give us some measly loyalty emblem? I can't tolerate this any longer, I'm going to have to go play TESO instead where I can buy a horse for 25 dollars.

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  • K bye

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  • So just found out that you'll be able to get The Taken King, Dark Below, and House of Wolves, plus the Destiny game for $79.99 dollars (Digital) plus other game swag, like a replica of a strange coin and a steel cover with pictures, and a bunch of other stuff... What is this #Bungie ? I paid $60, well actually almost $500, because I bought the white edition PS4 that came with Destiny, but let's just say it was $60 for the game, then I paid $35 for the the season pass that gave me the first two expansions, so $100 in total for the game and 2 expansions, and now you're releasing another Destiny game, with all the DLC for $79.99 (Digital)? The Taken King is $40, Dark Below is $20 and House of Wolves is $20 so that's $80 in just DLC, the game is $60, so $140 is what we since day 1 will have to pay, but if you buy this new Destiny game, not only do you get a great deal, because you save around 43% (Digital), but you also get exclusive Exotic Class Items (3 exotic class items) that give you extra XP, 3, not 1, but 3 shaders, and 3 class emotes, but we that have to pay for everything separate, we that have been with #Bungie since day 1, get screwed over this bad? And by that I mean, that all we get is one shader that probably is going to look horrible, since y'all didn't even bother with the House of Wolves Expansion shaders, one sparrow that is really nothing special at all, it's just for show like the ships, and one emblem that already looks bad, just for show. How's this fair at all? And that's not all, if you buy the physical copy, it is $59.99, which saves you a outrageous amount of 58%, but it does not come with the extra swag, again, how is this any fair at all? The Taken Wallet DLC Are you ready for the fight of your life Guardian? You killed Crota and Now Oryx has come for your wallet. Experience recycled levels, old enemies, and broken gameplay. Unbalanced multiplayer and no dedicated servers. A RNG system that will make you think that nothing is ever random. No new vault space to store new weapons. Which weapons will you keep? And how many 100's will you delete? Oryx has come to wreck your wallet Guardian. Bend over and take it like a champ. Brought to you by Bungievision! Pre order now, year one guardians get a crappy shader, emblem, and sparrow. And to all the new guardians out there get everything, yes EVERYTHING! for half the price as our loyal community! Also you get cooler preorder bonuses that vanilla players don't.

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    13 Replies
    • I haven't heard anything about private games, map voting or improving the servers so I'm not sure this dlc is worth the $$ for me

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    • I have a secret to share with you [spoiler]NOBODY CARES[/spoiler]

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      2 Replies
      • No no save your gold to buy a horse. Trust me getting 10k is easier than you think.

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        3 Replies
        • All of you complain and say you won't buy it. But we all know you will be playing it when it comes out. You might stand your ground for a few days but your friends will be like "dude this is so much fun" talking non stop about the supers and the guns and gear and OMG. You'll buy it. You know you will.

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          3 Replies
          • Will the taken king standalone 39.99 download transfer from ps3 to ps4 for free if I buy it on ps3 like TDB and HoW do/ did?.. I play on ps3. I won't have ps4 until Christmas. I already checked online, and I can download destiny and both expansions to ps4 for free. Will the taken king be the same or will I have to buy it twice (which in my situation would take at least two months since I can only get 1 20 psn card a month) I am not talking about data and character transferring. I know that transfers. I'm referring to how if you bought the previous two DLC / season pass on last gen it gave it to you on ps4 for free!!! Will the same happen here?

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            2 Replies
            • Edited by Elitespear: 6/21/2015 10:33:42 AM
              Dem troll

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              2 Replies
              • I got a little dick

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                • ...

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                • Sucks to be poor

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                  3 Replies
                  • I'm with you. I never minded buying dlc but destinys dlc don't offer very much. I've been a day one player but who knows maybe this doc will be worth something. FYI my ESO collectors came with two imperial dlc codes. I have an extra unused code hit me up some time.

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                  • Mark of the bankrupt

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                    1 Reply
                    • I bought a new car last year and then they made a new version this year! Ridiculous! I should get the new car for free because I am a loyal fan! Seriously though, if you don't like something, then don't play it and stop feeling like you have to tell the world about it. The Taken King will sell well enough with or without your support. No one cares if you leave.

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                    • Yep.

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                    • If it gets good reviews I'll spend the 80

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                    • I don't quite understand the comment about about TESO. Is that how it was when the game first came out on PC? Cause now it is only like 11,000 gold for the least expensive horse which really does not take that long to get.

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                      5 Replies
                      • Hello zenimax employee....

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                        1 Reply
                        • "Real life vendor dlc" The -blam!- is real life dlc

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                          1 Reply
                          • A horse for 25 dollars? Damn, are you sure it isn't a donkey?

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                            2 Replies
                            • So what!!! Stop crying like little bitches! Either buy it or dont, but im sure most of the complainer will get it anyways.

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                              4 Replies
                              • The guardians that complain are ones that don't have a reasonably good job, or simply do not understand the state of economics or marketing in the real world.

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                                3 Replies
                                • And nothing of value was lost...

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                                • Bump. I'll buy the TTK only if it gets like a unanimous 9/10 from every reviewer. Just can't tolerate being treated like shit by our corporate ogrelords. I'll take my money elsewhere Cough arkham knight cough

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • COUGH- Fallout 4 -COUGH-

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                                    1 Reply
                                    • Think of it like will be Christmas noob season again! Going 9-0 in trials will be pretty easy when people jump in and complain about the thorn being overpowered and "too hard to get" Yes it's annoying that noobs get an experience class item, but it doesn't matter because you can max out stuff pretty easily. Armor is a bit harder than guns but can still be maxed in a day. Shaders serve no purpose. Your armor color won't effect your game experience (except the iron banner ones that boost iron banner experience gains). It's not like they get an exclusive exotic that shoots 5 gjallarhorn rockets that spawn 2x the wolfpack rounds. Let the noobs get the dlc handed to them. It doesn't bother me. It will just make blowing their heads off with the queenbreakers bow that much more fun.

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