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6/15/2015 10:19:13 PM

Has Bungie ruined Prison of Elders 35?

After the patch today for Scolas we thought lets see if Scolas is easier now. But instead we fought greater challenges! As we entered The Prison we encountered the first three rounds of the Raid/Activity and as of before the patch we were on 35 and got kicked from the game world as soon as he hit 1Hp, so in the three rounds now they were harder than before you will now need 2 hunters to complete cabal, and at least 2 titans for vex. But when we got onto the sixth round we then saw the perks, solar wasn't there anymore, and we got confused as now there is Lightswitch (ads slap you in the face and you get knocked out) and Primary weapons specialised. So we enter the arena for the first time after the patch and we thought it would take 7 Gallies but we were wrong.... so so wrong... We destroyed the servitor like everyone would normally do and we get out our 3 Gallies and blast him 14 times each, the amount of health that was taken down now was only 1 fifth of his health it doesn't even matter that his health is now only 15,000 hp the thing that matters is that there is NO burn. So we ended up spending more than 2 hours on him and we just gave up, we left thinking that no one would be able to complete scolas now without either loosing friendships or going to rehab about it, because its simply impossible maybe the creators of destiny can kill it because they have unlimited ammo as you see in some of there videos when showing off new weapons. But us normal Guardians wont play 35 ever again... Tell me your suggestions and ideas on how to beat him as of now its impossible!

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  • Bruh, you just suck.

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  • Any half decent team can take him down easily..don't blame bungie on your incompetence..smh

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  • Beat it with no gallys. Run left, DONT kill servitor, just take out ads. Keep rotating and taking out ads. Kill servitor, take skolas health down. As soon as you see ads spawn again STOP worrying about skolas. Kill ads, ads go away, shoot skolas. Do the mines, shot ads. Then skolas. The ads come out on a health timer, so always clear ads/pass the taint/work together. Fight took us 32 minutes in total.... BE PATIENT. You can't kill him in 45 seconds so relax and communicate.

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    • As in most games it's Effort vs Reward It's gonna be a long drawn out affair, regardless - for most guardians. But the rewards are poor + we've now been told those rewards are likely to be redundant in a few months? I for one really "Can't be bothered" to play this (Haven't even tried this week yet, after reading posts on here) Why? I have all exotics, I have my cipher bounties, I have most weapons and armour ranked up with etheric light. No real rewards to gain, and those legendary ones will be useless soon. The only reason to play would be playing for the sake of playing - and running round getting b itch slapped by lightswitch OP captains, for several hours - doesn't inspire me to play - especially for nothing So congrats Bungie, you appear to have Fked up again - Gotta say, the recent news and events of late re: Bungie POE/King etc are hardly pushing me to invest into the next chapter!

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    • Somebody said it right. The amount of effort you put in does not equal the crap rewards it drops. Skolas is not hard. But it's not worth the rewards other than ppl trying to collect them. But bungies rewards system since day one has been pretty much crap. How else do we explain Xur gotta give us something. :(

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    • Edited by Spiku: 6/17/2015 8:41:34 AM
      Patience is the name of the games :) Step one: Shoot skollas but not to much, just enough for the mobs Step two: ignore Skollas and kills all mobs Step three: repeat step one and two until mines activate EDIT:right before the mines one of the fire team members will get poisoned or tainted... everyone sticks together and as soon as the "tainted one" hit ten second on the poison counter call it out. Team mate has to take it off him by holding the same button as to revive or reload (on PS its square). Step four: if you have been killing mobs then disabling the mines is easy. Step five: everyone refill heavy and shoot Skollas . Step six: Everybody Dance Now!

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      6 Replies
      • It's not impossible. I had a go last night and we very nearly had it on our first attempt. Sadly, on the second set of mines I totally forgot that I had the taint and then died. Then two mines spawned at the same time and both of my team mates died trying to dismantle them. We were very close though. The Skolas fight is tricky but its not impossible. We took our time (over 20 minutes) and worked methodically and we got him down. It was WAY more rewarding than burning him within a couple of minutes. What Bungie did was actually pretty smart. They've taken away the ability for people to hammer Skolas with Gjallarhorn and completely circumnavigate the entire mechanics of that boss fight and they made it possible to complete legitimately. It just takes some time, patience, communication and team work. Sadly, much of the Destiny community are simply after quick rewards/bragging rights without actually doing anything to earn them.

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      • No

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      • Did it tonight in first run and took less than 30mins. Just have to run the actual mechanics of the match now instead of toasting him in the first minute. My fireteam enjoyed the change a lot. Makes it more interesting. My guess is that you need a better team and not rely on gally. We fired gally shots, yes but was mainly using snipers after we broke the chains.

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      • We beat him first try post patch, in just over 5 minutes. It's a proper fight with mechanics now. Good communication will enable you to prevail. Bungie don't need to apologise just because you can no longer stand in one spot, kill skolas quickly and defuse mines without worrying about ads. Just play it how it was meant to be and you'll find a much more adrenaline fuelled encounter.

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      • I finally beat skolas 3 times before the buff, i got two elder ciphers (that I never plan on completing because -blam!- PoE lol) 1 shader, 3 ships. I have no need for PoE, not even for ethric light or the armor core. I can get WAY more ethric light from ToO, easy as hell too. I finished downloading ESO today too, after work thats all ill be playing, only time ill play Destiny is for ToO weekend lol

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      • My group did it first try. With the burns, it usually took way longer because if you didn't destroy him with Gallys early on, you couldn't just play it out because he one shots with his scorch canon and the captains will rip you to shreds. It's the same with arc burn. Void burn was the closest to the way it works now, except we aren't forced to use void weapons. If you're having difficulty completing Skolas now, you probably just aren't good.

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      • So let me get this straight. The arena is giving you a boost to primary weapons, and you choose to use the gjallarhorn? You do realize that when small arms or specialist is activated, the other weapons do less damage, right? Use your primary weapons. That's why they're getting a bonus. 3 people with Scout rifles can take him down and much faster than 3 people with rocket launchers

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        • No big deal. Already have the 3 new exotic weapons. Don't need any EL as I am going to start Trials for the first time ever this weekend. I won't spend more time on PoE than I do a raid just to get a chance at 1 elemental primary that doesn't even compare to my raid weapons. Just not worth the time sync. Can I beat it? Sure, any competent team with communication will beat it. Can I beat it from start to finish in an hour? Not bloody likely. It was even a stretch to do it in under an hour with no wipes and solar burn! So Tuesdays and Weekends will be my new gaming days. Once I get to the Lighthouse for the Grimoire I won't be bothering with that either.

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          • 3 365 Fang of Ir Yuts and it'll be done in no time at all

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          • It sounds so much more ENJOYABLE now. The burn method before may have been quick when it worked, but could easily go wrong with any of the variables not going to plan and then you're left chasing ammo or waiting on synths before going again. This way sounds much more fun, doesn't matter if you don't have full rockets and synth straight away, just run it anyway. Looking forward to it tonight!

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          • Edited by TheWavetwister: 6/16/2015 11:57:57 AM
            They didn't ruin it, they saved it! Edit: did it first go, then second go on the next run, it really isn't that hard. The reason you struggled is because you were expecting an easy ride like before. Now it's slightly challenging, toys are getting hurled out of prams. It's hilarious.

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            • Edited by Splinter8214: 6/16/2015 3:41:13 PM
              Oh no, we actually have to do the encounter now. I don't know what to do. Our gallys can't just burn him down. Damn you bungie for wanting to make your current hardest content unable to be effectively skipped. The encounter is much better now. Come up with a new strategy.

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            • I beat Skolas for the first time yesterday and it only took 3 attempts. We ran with 1 Hunter and 2 Titans, it was actually really easy, you just have to focus on the ads, they are the biggest problem. It's a good fight and it's really intense, I like the challenge of it.

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              • Edited by xpctR3sistanc3: 6/16/2015 3:24:13 PM
                I did the Solar burn on Sunday, no elemental burn after the update yesterday. Looking today at the reset, and there is now Arc burn on him? I thought the point of the update was to remove the burns? Edit: retract my previous statement about how it was listed as arc. General consensus arc = bad.

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                • No, they changed the fight so people would engage in the mechanics of the fight and not just Gjallarhorn him to death.

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                • Edited by Roe Larry: 6/16/2015 3:19:15 PM
                  The rewards were barely worth it with burns on because it wouldn't take forever to complete. Now the rewards are completely pointless for what you have to do to get them. I have too much Etheric Light and weapon cores, so I'll be sticking with the 32 for the Armor Cores.

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                • How is everyone so bad at pvp and pve.. Shame on you community

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                • This is why ToO is the true end game. The rewards and pretty much everything is better in ToO.

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                • Edited by Wrathful: 6/16/2015 3:13:32 PM
                  If you think it's hard, you obviously never bothered to do the fight the way it was intended. Quit trying to cheese things, and you won't be on here whining.

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                • it was ruined to begin with , they should have better give us a new raid instead of that POE-POS

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