originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
So news has been spread that there maybe destiny 2 is either being created or coming out soon, holey moles! Now everyone is wondering would destiny 2 be as successful as its predecessor with hitting 500 million dollars in one day of its release. Of course however there is going to be some arguments about what the storyline will hold and the things you can do in it like strike. So I was wondering what do you guys think the new (if it does come out) game storyline be? Will our hero die? Can we import our old hero into the new game like on Dragon Age? Will we be actually able to toggle our appearances and make our character unique (I'm looking at you Destiny 1) Will destiny 2 come out on PC? So I made this post to have a bit of banter on the forums so if you like relax and kick back, get your cup of your coffee or tea (or maybe iced tea or beer, stereotypical as it is I like tea...and yes I'm British dundunduuunn! Quirky moment overload! Anyway so back to what I was saying post any suggestions Bungie should make in destiny 2 if it does come out, any questions which will never be answered xD or just rumble jumble you want to say about this news, unless I'm late to the news and I'm an utter spoon... probably that.
This thread is bullshit
I now have desticular cancer.
There's a story ? Hahaha you must believe everything you hear online
Well, I hope we're finally getting a story
Shoo destical back to pits of hell u go
As I said in another thread, Destiny appears to be following the MMO model of distribution. If this continues, there will be no "Destiny 2". It will just be another titled expansion similar to the two previous but with more content. Think of World of Warcraft. It's a 10 year old game and has never had a WoW 2. Instead they release major content expansions and call it "WoW: The Burning Crusade" or whatever. Now get this shit out of #Offtopic
We've known Destiny 2 has been coming for a looong time. Also, Destiny 3, and Destiny 4. Also, this belongs in #Destiny Because only 1% of #Offtopic actually cares about your post.
Well people were expecting something amazing out of this first destiny because bungie has made amazing things in the past such as Marathon, and Halo which both had absolutely amazing story plots. So people bought the Sheit out of the game due to past expectations, now that bungie phucked up this first game. I don't think Destiny 2 would sell as good as the first one, unless Destiny 2 was what the first was supposed to be. This destiny is like buying an early access game on steam, at full price, with DLC and changing all the time because well destiny is still in beta. P.s. This is me ranting, don't take to much offence anybody.
Destiny 2? You mean we moved beyond the beta already?
This will get better replies on #Destiny. And Destiny 2 was announced after a few weeks of the release of Destiny.
Firstly, this belongs in #destiny, not #offtopic. Secondly you seem to be a little behind the times. Destiny 2 has been I. Development for well over 6 months now, probably a lot longer but I do t know for certain. There will be a total of 4 destiny games released over 10 years. Your character will be transferable all the way to destiny 4. As for its success? If they truly listen to what's been said the past 6 months, Bungie may scrape back some of the reputation this train wreck of a game has destroyed. If, however, they "listen" to us, like Deej says they have every time they release a patch or DLC, the game will flop harder than a belly diving orca. Many people, including myself, won't be buying the game on release this time round. TBH unless destiny 2 is bigger than destiny and has a story to rival the halo trilogy I'm done with this series.
First move your post desticle, secondly it is already far in development. I believe Deej posted about it back in october in the weekly update.
There's the door. ->
They claim they will right the wrongs of the first game. They claim there will be a story. Then they say the lore cards will remain and they will have a new class that walks around and tells the lore. Like WTF Bungie! I'm not going to buy their garbage!
Edited by Koldraxon: 6/13/2015 3:41:09 PMIn [A Lowly Shank]'s topic, I have created a subtopic pitting Guardians against Knights. 0:4 at the moment. Shows how futile puny little humans/Awoken/Exo are. NOW PUT THIS IN [b]#FEEDBACK![/b]
[quote]if it does come out[/quote] Three more games are already confirmed.
I've never heard anything about this. I think they'll find a way to tie into the previous game when it comes to a storyline. Maybe they'll go back to their old storyline where the Traveler is evil. Who knows?
#destiny. This doesn't go here.