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Edited by Recon Number 54: 8/16/2015 9:32:36 PM

Who's never done a raid?

Looking for those people who haven't raided for whatever reason. This is set up for people to who haven't raided to meet people who like helping others learn the raids. No pressure, no minimum level, no must have weapons or armour, just meet some people to enjoy playing the best facet of destiny and have some fun. Me and my friend played for around 4 months without being able to find a team that was willing to help, now we try help others do VoG and Crota. Edit: more replies than I thought, if anyone wants to raid or learn to raid I'm on PS4, casual player just love the raids so don't care about experience or if you have a gally, add me on PSN - SniperClarkey Edit: Ok so we're near 1000 comments and I've seen some great messages from people doing their first raids and even Nightfalls from this page. If you would like to be a guide or Sherpa, please comment with your GT or PSN and what platform you play on, I'll add them below so it's easy for people to find a guide to help them through the raids. Good work all :) Edit: So many people leaving comments to be guides it's great, keep leaving platforms and GT's below and I'll add them each time I log on. Leave feedback and rewards from your first raids or people you took through too :) Edit: Ok, so wow, so many people need help, and even more people willing to help! Amazing response! I've tried logging on to bungie online so I can edit the guardian guide list below and respond to people quicker but it's being impossible to login to and I've no idea why. I'll keep trying but for now keep helping your fellow guardians and sharing your stories :) Edit: I've just added a link to our group, if you want to learn to raid, please join up, Clan Name is 'We have guns' [b][i][u]Guide List[/u][/i][/b] Guardians willing to help new raiders (please come back and leave some feedback for your guide) [b][u]PS4[/u][/b] SniperClarkey GR1MM_R34P3R_420 SkinnyDrMitch Silentxxninja maxattax02 RouxPanzer Assassin-Allgood p3wninn00bz BrondanStifflson Spogooter565 SoulEater3vanz WeAreLegion98 Fyrebryte unicronic grizzly8903 [b][u]Xbox One[/u][/b] LtCoEnderKing IMN0TGOODEITHER GoS VoLt Skinny Dr Mitch o Lets do itx baltipieofdoom renostar1 OP IFox Explodinggeyser ScrapParts BICKSLER1 thamjam DABEAST KING360 xCrimsonDroidx Les Paul II willis7819 [b][u]PS3[/u][/b] bf3_generalnava Embadassider [b][u]Xbox 360[/u][/b] GoS VoLt FelixeatsLSD UNDEADsoldierBC COOKIES4LIF3 a swedish devil KnockdownPath77 DragonChief99 Aaronorange yiddo23 [quote]Ninja Edit [spoiler]Hello OP (or anyone who has decided to open the spoiler and read all of this). I'm one of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We may have met before, we may have interacted, you might have heard of us, or you may have no clue as to who we are and what we do. Well, this little note is to explain some of the things we do. One of the major roles we play is to handle the reports that come in whenever a member clicks on the "Report" button, to let us know that there is a post, a topic or a user that either doesn't understand or isn't following the rules that we all agreed to follow when we joined. But that's not the Ninja function that brought on this note. The reason I am writing this is because I have retagged your thread. Bungie.Net uses hashtags to designate their major forums and to help keep things organized. Your OP (original post) was opened, created or given a hashtag that well, wasn't the best choice. It could have been that you were browsing through the [u][url=]various forum/tags[/url][/u] that are available on the site or app, and clicked on "New Topic" while in a forum that didn't "match up" with the subject matter of your OP. Or, you may have thought "this belongs here", when unfortunately, it doesn't. That's another role of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We not only try to keep things fun, pleasant and welcoming here by removing rule-breakers, but we also want EVERY good topic to have the best chance to survive, thrive, find the right audience, and get lots of on-topic replies. And so, I have retagged your topic to move it to the forum where it has the best chance of doing that. I give you my word that I have not altered a single letter or character of your Original Post, just placed this message below it and set the tag to better describe your topic. You may notice that you are unable to edit this post anymore. That is a part of the system, and I apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused. I've not replied or commented on your OP, since this message would most likely be "off-topic" to your thread and when members see a Ninja or Mentor (who are volunteers from the community) or even a Bungie employee post, they tend to go a little crazy and the disruption to the thread becomes a distraction. I don't want that to happen to your thread. I want it to be in the BEST place possible, to be seen by the largest audience who is looking for this sort of topic, I want it to take root, get replies, grow strong and make these forums a better place. If you have any questions, you should feel free to PM me. My name is now in the upper right corner of your OP where it says "edited by". Thanks for your patience, thanks for being a part of this community, thanks for taking the time to read all of this (I hid it in a spoiler so that anyone who clicked couldn't complain about "too long, didn't read"), and thank you in advance for creating your future topics with the forum/tag location in mind. --Cheers[/spoiler][/quote]

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  • have 3 for crota xbone

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  • we are running a few old skool raids for the eve message one of the group we have 3 groups running group 1 TEZZA THE GAMER gROUP 2 N1GHTMAR3 SDP Group 3 PHIL THE GAMER Runnning till 5am uk time

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  • Bump

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  • Never done a raid I'm on Xbox 360 looking for people to do kings fall raid normal need five people please be nice and try to have fun

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  • Never done kings fall PS4. Looking for team for a raid finder normal fresh run. Titan 290

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  • I've never done any raid, anyone willing to help me do crota? Xd

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  • need 5 people to help296 with first time oryx gt ItchyJoey884462

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  • Need 4 for golgoroth normal doing challenge after (im 318)

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  • need one more person to help two first timers. Gt: same as above.

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  • I'm a 299 hunter that hasn't done the raid yet. I've got as far as the war priest . Does anyone want to help me? Cheers

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    1 Reply
    • Xbox360 need a team 290+

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    • Kings fall normal start in Golgorth cellar message me and I will invite

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    • [quote]Looking for those people who haven't raided for whatever reason. This is set up for people to who haven't raided to meet people who like helping others learn the raids. No pressure, no minimum level, no must have weapons or armour, just meet some people to enjoy playing the best facet of destiny and have some fun. Me and my friend played for around 4 months without being able to find a team that was willing to help, now we try help others do VoG and Crota. Edit: more replies than I thought, if anyone wants to raid or learn to raid I'm on PS4, casual player just love the raids so don't care about experience or if you have a gally, add me on PSN - SniperClarkey Edit: Ok so we're near 1000 comments and I've seen some great messages from people doing their first raids and even Nightfalls from this page. If you would like to be a guide or Sherpa, please comment with your GT or PSN and what platform you play on, I'll add them below so it's easy for people to find a guide to help them through the raids. Good work all :) Edit: So many people leaving comments to be guides it's great, keep leaving platforms and GT's below and I'll add them each time I log on. Leave feedback and rewards from your first raids or people you took through too :) Edit: Ok, so wow, so many people need help, and even more people willing to help! Amazing response! I've tried logging on to bungie online so I can edit the guardian guide list below and respond to people quicker but it's being impossible to login to and I've no idea why. I'll keep trying but for now keep helping your fellow guardians and sharing your stories :) Edit: I've just added a link to our group, if you want to learn to raid, please join up, Clan Name is 'We have guns' [b][i][u]Guide List[/u][/i][/b] Guardians willing to help new raiders (please come back and leave some feedback for your guide) [b][u]PS4[/u][/b] SniperClarkey GR1MM_R34P3R_420 SkinnyDrMitch Silentxxninja maxattax02 RouxPanzer Assassin-Allgood p3wninn00bz BrondanStifflson Spogooter565 SoulEater3vanz WeAreLegion98 Fyrebryte unicronic grizzly8903 [b][u]Xbox One[/u][/b] LtCoEnderKing IMN0TGOODEITHER GoS VoLt Skinny Dr Mitch o Lets do itx baltipieofdoom renostar1 OP IFox Explodinggeyser ScrapParts BICKSLER1 thamjam DABEAST KING360 xCrimsonDroidx Les Paul II willis7819 [b][u]PS3[/u][/b] bf3_generalnava Embadassider [b][u]Xbox 360[/u][/b] GoS VoLt FelixeatsLSD UNDEADsoldierBC COOKIES4LIF3 a swedish devil KnockdownPath77 DragonChief99 Aaronorange yiddo23 [quote]Ninja Edit [spoiler]Hello OP (or anyone who has decided to open the spoiler and read all of this). I'm one of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We may have met before, we may have interacted, you might have heard of us, or you may have no clue as to who we are and what we do. Well, this little note is to explain some of the things we do. One of the major roles we play is to handle the reports that come in whenever a member clicks on the "Report" button, to let us know that there is a post, a topic or a user that either doesn't understand or isn't following the rules that we all agreed to follow when we joined. But that's not the Ninja function that brought on this note. The reason I am writing this is because I have retagged your thread. Bungie.Net uses hashtags to designate their major forums and to help keep things organized. Your OP (original post) was opened, created or given a hashtag that well, wasn't the best choice. It could have been that you were browsing through the [u][url=]various forum/tags[/url][/u] that are available on the site or app, and clicked on "New Topic" while in a forum that didn't "match up" with the subject matter of your OP. Or, you may have thought "this belongs here", when unfortunately, it doesn't. That's another role of the Bungie.Net Ninjas. We not only try to keep things fun, pleasant and welcoming here by removing rule-breakers, but we also want EVERY good topic to have the best chance to survive, thrive, find the right audience, and get lots of on-topic replies. And so, I have retagged your topic to move it to the forum where it has the best chance of doing that. I give you my word that I have not altered a single letter or character of your Original Post, just placed this message below it and set the tag to better describe your topic. You may notice that you are unable to edit this post anymore. That is a part of the system, and I apologize for any inconvenience that it may have caused. I've not replied or commented on your OP, since this message would most likely be "off-topic" to your thread and when members see a Ninja or Mentor (who are volunteers from the community) or even a Bungie employee post, they tend to go a little crazy and the disruption to the thread becomes a distraction. I don't want that to happen to your thread. I want it to be in the BEST place possible, to be seen by the largest audience who is looking for this sort of topic, I want it to take root, get replies, grow strong and make these forums a better place. If you have any questions, you should feel free to PM me. My name is now in the upper right corner of your OP where it says "edited by". Thanks for your patience, thanks for being a part of this community, thanks for taking the time to read all of this (I hid it in a spoiler so that anyone who clicked couldn't complain about "too long, didn't read"), and thank you in advance for creating your future topics with the forum/tag location in mind. --Cheers[/spoiler][/quote][/quote] Invite me am interested

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      1 Reply
      • Edited by Xurs Refund Policy: 3/17/2016 10:54:28 AM
        Done a raid before, willing to do any Lvl 40 light 299 Warlock GT: same as above

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      • Crota anyone? Xbox one

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      • on xb1, never did full raid but am 307 and need a good run through it

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      • i need to be carried im 285 light

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      • Crota's End Normal. PS3. Send message or request to AixulraM if willing to help and have a good time. Would prefer 5 people but any number will do. Light level doesn't matter. I'm just trying to get the shaders right now.

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      • Need 2 raid normals running with new people, I have done the raid multiples times on xbox (320light same gamertag). Dont care if you have done the raid or not, If you have even better.

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      • Need 4 fresh run kf only done couple time need help please gt same as above msg on 360

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      • Need 4 for fresh run gt th3 vo0do0 ( were extremely well experienced done normal and hard happy to take place through

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        2 Replies
        • Need 5 more for the sisters cp normal

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        • I'm looking at doing the raids as I haven't done any of them yet I'm a 293 hunter on ps4 ft: TetleySpaceCadet

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        • Put me on the ps4 list bro. Any new xmas xmas guys need help/advice/tactics. Hit me up.

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        • I haven't done crota or VoG and would like to do them if anyone wants to help me with a fresh run send me a message Gt Is same as above

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        • never done kings fall raid, would like to give it a go. anyone willing to help? 287 warlock on PS4.

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