Watch Broman's 6/4/15 stream, around the 3hr 30min mark, and you can see for yourself. What I stated I said, is what I said. I'm being told that one of Goth's mods perma banned me, but I think he had something to do with it.
All I saw around that point was Broman talking about how he was personally threatened and how technically anyone can legally say whatever on stream since it's entertainment but outside of the stream everything is personal.
Yes, exactly my point to the doofus. He was talking about punching someone in the face at a Meet & Greet, which is OUTSIDE the confines of the stream. He's was trying to use smoke and mirrors to redirect this fact. The above is what I was saying to him, but he didn't read it out loud via his chat on purpose. Just just replied the way he did to try and make himself look good.