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6/6/2015 5:45:11 PM
Sols, I was so behind you on matchmaking. But on're just off the ball here. The problem with thorn is simple: Time to Kill. Games like Destiny, where there are overshields and huge health bars, are meant to have a greater TTK than Call of Duty or Battlefield. This is why it takes multiple rounds from just about any gun to take someone down. Thorn, however, isn't a high TTK weapon. It's just the opposite. Thorn is a 2 or 3 hit kill, and it's rate of fire and range is absurd for such a stat. If I were playing CoD, or Battlefield, I would be okay getting killed by Thorn. But I'm not playing those games. Destiny isn't supposed to be a "get killed in less than a second" game. The screen effect is even worse, as it makes it harder to both see the guy if you were ambushed, and to get a good bead on him. These combine to make Thorn an incredibly dangerous weapon. It just doesn't fit Destiny's high TTK model. "_____ is OP" is always dangerous, don't get me wrong. Many people who do this truly are nothing more than whiners. However, the fact of the matter is that Thorn really is overpowered. The proof is right in front of us--I've played games with 3, 4, and even [u]5[/u] players on the other team using thorn. When literally most or the entirety of the other team (and your own team as well) are using the exact same gear in a game that offers about a dozen exotics that [i]should[/i] be equally becomes glaringly obvious that something is off. Maybe Thorn isn't OP, but rather is in its proper place as an exotic. However, if this is the case, [i]every other exotic primary in the game needs a stat boost in range, impact, and/or rate of fire.[/i]. If the thought of everyone running around with "kill under a second" weapons brings some flashbacks from days playing Call of Duty, than perhaps we need to bring Thorn down to the rest of the other exotics. Lower the rate of fire, make the poison effect have no screen effect, kick the range down a bit, or make the thing recoil and kick like a mule. I don't like it any more than the next guy, but when just about everyone in the game is using the same gun...isn't it time to admit that it might be a bit unbalanced?

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