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Edited by platypus7: 6/8/2015 8:24:55 PM
You are so blind it's becoming comical. No one cares that you may [i]or may not[/i] have out gunned a few bad thorn players using a [i]mediocre at best[/i] pulse rifle. You are presenting this argument using nothing but pure opinion disguised as truths. You keep ignoring the facts. It's actually more than 50% of players [i]per game[/i] that are using thorn. If you deny this, you simply aren't playing this game. Why is this the scenario? Because it's Too... Good... It's too easy to use. The Dot isn't even its biggest issue. Here's a [b]fact[/b]. It has too much range for its class, and it has the [b]best ROF[/b] compared to similar guns of its impact. This means it has the fastest, most consistent TTK this game has ever seen in a primary weapon. And furthermore, it's ROF allows users to kill you far too quickly with [b]body shots[/b]... Why should that be rewarded? Who knows.... But it's being rewarded. This makes Thorn far too easy to use. Far too forgiving, and most of all... [b]Far too hard to not use[/b] Period. No one gives a shit if you "coil hissed" a few thorns. It doesn't change the [b]FACT[/b] that the PVP in this game is becoming more and more saturated with Thorns. Bungie has said themselves that if this were to happen, they have clearly done something wrong.... Another [b]FACT[/b]. I suggest you start dealing with truths and not your magical fantasy Disney analogies that have failed completely to accurately explain the current situation. Now after all this, let's add in its DOT. Pure imbalanced crutch worthy garbage. One last fact for you to digest: If you don't think Thorn is unbalanced its for the following 2 reasons. 1. You use it far too often, and you enjoy how much better you are doing. You fear losing your crutch. 2. You care far too much about the PVE aspect of weapon balance. Your opinion is biased towards having the strongest weapons no matter what, and you are still salty over the AR nerf that was [i]gasp[/i]... caused by overuse of PVE players. You are clearly a #2. And either way, you are blind and completely ignorant to continue ignoring the simple truths that are thorning you right in the face. Edit: Lastly. Here's an article that was released days after I wrote this post, only clarifying my original points even more. The OP keeps refusing to acknowledge me in a direct reply. I'm presuming he's far too fearful of looking defeated. But its straight up the truth OP. Yet [i]one more[/i] truth you can't seem to absorb. Not like I'm surprised.

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  • Edited by TheKungLao: 6/9/2015 10:13:23 PM
    Yea, you're way late bro. And just like your boys, name callings all you got. No real argument, just insults. But if it makes you feel like a big boy, by all means, knock yourself out. Edit: I'm at home. where else should I be?

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  • Finally. FINALLY. Someone speaks the truth! It is disgusting how many people are blind to the facts. Any time a balance poll comes around, the PvE players rear their skinny necks and squeal, "Pls no nerf Bungie overlords." Little do they know, it is their fault things are the way they are now. Keep speaking the truth dude. Get it out there for everyone to hear. Let them soak in the truth.

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  • As much as try to keep doing it. The PVE only crowd is too vast, it's like trying to argue with a hive of bees, and they all suffer from argumentum ad populum. I'm not hear to tell anyone [i]how[/i] to play this game. But I sure as hell won't put up with ill-informed ignorance. All of their PVP input is clouded by their PVE prejudice. Anyone who knows what I know, need to step their forum game up. Bungie needs to know. Everyone who knows the truth has to post for us to make any difference.

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  • Hey, the PvE crowd (other than the -blam!- face you were arguing with {which you roasted I might add}) just wants PvE and PvP nerfs and Buffs to be Seperate Accordingly. Should Thorn be nerfed in PvE? No, it's nothing Special. Should Thorn be nerfed in PvP? HELL YES, and we both know why lol. But to assume the whole PvE crowd is to blame is wrong and prejudice. Love- A Trials Champion and a Killer of Elders and Gods.

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  • You lost all credibility when you said auto rifles were nerfed because of pve players.

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  • Except that is exactly what happened.... I don't create facts, but I sure as hell acknowledge them. Most people aren't informed enough to realize that Auto's were nerfed twice. The first one was because they were far too dominant in PVP. The first nerf [i]balanced them[/i], to perfection I might add. After this nerf, absolutely no one complained about AR's... They were in a great place. The second, completely unnecessary nerf was caused by their grotesque overuse as primary weapons in the PVE side of the game, as well as the PVP side of the game. Bungie pulled user data, and nerfed AR's further to try and make other weapons more appealing. A giant mistake. As now they are useless. This made no one happy, and was asked for by [b]no one[/b]. So yes, wether you like it or not, PVE players are to blame for the second AR nerf that made them atrocious. This is a fact son... This is not opinion, this is not arguing for arguments sake. This is what happened.

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  • As I said about the second beefing of auto rifles, PvE players would've wanted them nerfed separately! I hate the fact that they alter PvE weapons in any way.

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  • Bump, even in Trials. All weekend long its been Thorn Shotgun or Thorn Snipers. My lighthouse team couldn't even get a win last night BC of the Thorn BS is so overwhelming.

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  • Get good scrub. Ironic considering your "wah wah lighthouse" past

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  • the OP is a -blam!-ing coward by not responding to this lol

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  • Bump.

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  • Like and bump

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  • Bump 7/12 people were just using thorn in iron banner last game I played

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  • Every time I was playing the Iron banner I noticed that most of the people were using handcannons where the Thorn was the most common. I can kill someone that has a Thorn but normally it is the weapon that I die from.

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  • Exactly....I have no problem with thorn but the fact that in every lobby I'm in the enemy team always has 3 to 4 thorn users...I want destiny to go back the way it was everyone was using a weapon they liked not a weapon they were forced to use because of nerfs....and that's the only reason thorn has been taking over of destiny because half the players keep asking for nerfs....and the game has become dull because of that..

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  • No one is "forced" to use it. I compete just fine without it.

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  • There was never a Destiny like that. Originally everyone used ARs because they were so powerful. People literally said don't bother using anything but an auto rifle. It took Bungie nerfing ARs 4 times to finally kill them. Destiny is not CoD or Halo. People should be able to use the exotics they earn.

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  • Yup

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  • I like the way you think.... Your post shall receive a +1

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  • I have waited sooo long for you , so long... Now the question is how long will it take for Bungie to do something about it.

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  • This is the best response I have ever seen in this forum...

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  • said this many times before and I'll say it again. the prevalence of thorn is due to it being a great gun AND easily acquired. do your bounties every day and you will get an exotic one. a choice of three from a pool of five gives a sixty percent chance of getting a thorn. thats why everyone has it and many especially newer players dont have other good guns to choose from. I'd love a red death, rng hasn't blessed me with one yet. same with gally or vex. but a thorn? had that within first couple weeks of owning the game. too late to undo it now but maybe thorb shouldn't have been a bounty weaponm or maybe the other bounty weapons should have been better. or perhaps the pool of bounties should have been larger. much larger.

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  • I'm hoping you're mixing up PvE with PvP. But if you're not, you, sir, are too mind bogglingly ignorant to describe. ARs were nerfed because of SUROS, and SUROS was overused because of the Iron Banner bounty. That was it. In PvE, ARs weren't the best weapons at all. Hand cannons and scouts held that title. Now, thanks to whiners, who complained about PvP, ARs are the worst weapons in the game. They don't nerf ANYTHING because of PvE. Gjallahorn and icebreaker are still as awesome as they should be. Because they aren't OP in PvP. Only in PvE. To even suggest that it was PvE players that caused any nerf, you are sorely misadvised.

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  • No... just no. Gets your facts straight before posting garbage. AR`s were 100% nerfed because of their overuse in PVE. This is a fact friend, the truth hurts. Look it up.

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  • Actually, they were overused in both, but it wasn't because they were OP. They just had a familiarity to previous FPS players. This made them used more often in a (mostly) balanced game. Then came the nerfs...

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