So, with now 3 weeks of Skolas, with all 3 burns, the strategy has not changed. Everyone drops a titan bubble and unloads everything they have, uses a synthesis, and unloads again.
But is this a cheese?
When you look at how the mechanics of Skolas are supposed to work, it's obvious that players found a loophole.
1. Servitors are killed and Skolas lowered to about 75-65%.
2. Essence spawns and players must pass essence in a circle. Essence respwans if player holding it dies.
3. 50% - mines spawn
4. 20% - mines spawn
All while being 1 level down doing percentage damage.
Is Level 35 too hard to do legitimatly?
...Conversation open...
Here's some tips for you scrubs... never run across the middle next to the cliff instead run along the track that's covered all you have to worry about is captains and vandals spawning while you're running through Stay as low to the ground as possible the higher you go the more you're getting your health taxed. Have 2 people stay left and a Titan go left with blinding go right to cap the middle bomb then the right one. Warlocks do not defuse mines well. Hunters work but the invisible doesn't work that well