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6/4/2015 1:26:07 PM
Great post and I totally agree with you. And here's the thing, I actually am one of the people who can play a lot each day, and I still haven't seen a single etheric light drop, because I'm not level 34 yet to get it from PoE, nor do I have any desire to play ToO. So that means, until my friends and I are level 34, the only method of getting it is nightfalls and iron banner. The issue with that is that the drop rate from Nightfalls is abysmally low, so low in fact that myself and an alarming number of people are 9 nightfalls into HoW and still haven't seen a single EL drop. And even when IB comes around, you'll only be able to buy two of them per character, and frankly, I'm not grinding out to rank 5 on three characters, even with the new reputation boost. So that means I can reliably get 2 EL [b]per month[/b], whereas people who can grind the highest levels of PoE and play ToO all weekend have so much of it that they literally don't know what to spend it on. And when you get right down to it, this DLC sucks for solo players. If you're not the kind of person who can easily organize teams of people to do all the grinding with you, you are just straight up out of luck. The two main methods of getting EL require pre-made teams. With this DLC, Bungie took one of Destiny's greatest weaknesses (a lack of matchmaking for end-game content) and only made it worse. For a company that practically invented matchmaking on consoles, they sure do seem to be terrified of putting it in Destiny. Honestly, let's just cut the bull crap. EL should be a guaranteed drop from nightfalls, in addition to whatever your other reward is, and it should also drop from level 32 PoE. And it should start having a chance to drop from crucible and dragon strikes, as well as level 28 PoE. Now I know there will be plenty of snotty little elitists who will claim that that would make EL too easy to get, and that you shouldn't be able to get max everything in the first couple weeks (funny though that despite this argument they were all level 34 on day 2). But I want them all to ask themselves this: were ascendant materials ever this difficult to obtain? It's not like you HAD to play VoG to get ANY ascendant materials at all. I've never set foot in that raid, yet I got all the ascendant materials I could ever want from nightfalls, daily heroics, public events, faction packages, engrams, and dismantled legendaries. They were NEVER exclusive to end-game content. EL shouldn't be either. The whole point of the new ascension system was to simplify the process, remove the grind, and allow players to equip any armor that had either the look or the perks they wanted, rather than being forced to use one set of end-game gear just to be max level. Instead they only added even more grind that actually requires you to have and use 3 characters a week to ascend at any reasonable rate, added yet another barrier to entry for end-game activities, and are forcing some players to use a set of armor that comically enough has a 100% pure strength roll. It's just a mess right now.

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