Hey destitard, everytime someone makes a joke it needs to have #satire?
I really want to know.
A joke like this? Yeah, #satire is practically required to not look like a total impeccable dipthong of a Neanderthal.
Lol, #satire doesn't even apply to this thread, #satire has other meaning.
Is that so? Well then, if you don't mind, could you describe #satire to me? Because if this thread doesn't fit that mold, then every decent troll in these forums have been mistaken for too long.
Satire is used to parody something, in other cases it's saying something blatantly obvious but hide the critic points iirc.
Most #satire posts I've seen are pretty much just like this. Asking for a useless nerf is #satire in my book. But on a serious note, I agree with Thorn. It does actually need a nerf. Painfully. But Fatebringer, because of its PvE prowess? No, just no.
Oh don't worry, the others are a joke.