New thoughts: This game appears to be created as more of a mass psychological experiment by a psychology major than a game developer. Cleverly disguised by lack of monthly subscription, ingame transactions like all these mobile and Facebook games, and it's shiny graphics. The dlc literally got rid of that weekly reset that already causes the urge to go running back each week because, presumably the fact that it actually ENDS, once you do it you get the cool down period of being done and feel relieved. They have removed that in favor of a literally infinite grind that never stops, you can grind for 6 hours for a key you may never even get, in an attempt to do the endgame activity, instead of just building a team and going for the raid once a week per character like before. They just pulled the equivalent of slowly building a new heroin addict, giving him more and more, and then doubling the price on him knowing he can't get the same fix elsewhere.
This thought fits even stronger with the new dlc than ever before. When bungie realized how addicting iron banner reforging was, and how many materials everybody had, they gave us the ability to reforge and blow all our materials, a nearly infinite act that ensure even more continued grinding for materials once your stocks run out.
Trials of Osiris poses a daunting task, that can be made easier by buying items with a relatively limited material you will quickly run out of unless you have a team to blow through the 9 wins like it's nothing.
And all of the new armor only goes to, very specifically "year one" power levels. So guess what happens year two? A dangerous cycle of all outdated gear and a huge grind with their newfound ability to create infinite grinds. I've played grindy games before, I've played runescape before, I understand the concept of grinding games. But this game is downright maniupulative about it. not addicting you for being an awesome game that is nothing but fun, rewards, and awesome experiences (I can even mention the dreaded borderlands here if you want to mention constant rewards), but by manipulating your basic impulses, lack of diverse content (we all have lots of hours played, but how many times have you killed sepiks prime? No matter how much time you played that doesnt change this game is fluffed with the same content over and over, because they can get away with it), and disguising so well, this game looks like a psychology major got an A+. It doesn't even feel like it was created by an actual game developer.
And yes, I'm sure plenty of you will say "good bye, leave, nobody cares, you suck", whatever, but the point is I care, because I have been so invested, and I love the game. And I have also been hyper addicted. I am not exempt. I do not plan to leave. But I am forced to create a schedule for content I'm willing to do in a videogame or how much time I'm willing to invest, instead of being up till 5am everyday trying to grind out some nonsense. I want to like this game, and it's universe. But I'm slightly disgusted at the moment after this thought process.
Original post below:
I love this game. I'm also addicted. and so are most of you, even though the Forums is full of denial. Thet started with weekly resets, farming sections, rng drops. Now have gone so far as to make unlimited time sinks with weapon rerolling that virtually never stops, farming for coins for ToO for boons you will constantly waste, and straight up removing Prison from the weekly reset to allow you to do it as much as you want, as long as you spend unbelievable hours farming keys. I was under the assumption each week would give us 3 keys at least, and the rest was for farmers. Works for everybody. I was wrong. ToO is fun as hell, but the boon material sink is killer once you run out and go 8-1 with no bonuses.
Again, I love this game, I have poured my soul into it for hours. But this has made me a little iffy about a game with "business practices" I was already a little iffy about. I put it in quotes as they didn't run for microtransactions, they made a game exactly like games with them and didn't add them in. Which I am greatful for but at the same time it puts this game in an awkward position. It's simply a Facebook game with amazing graphics and gameplay, but the systems underneath it mimic farmville and mafia wars entirely.
End pathetic nerd rant.
Meh pick and choose your 'errands' Not like you get banned for not completing the nightfall every week