everyone has a strong opinion about something, what's yours?
Bush did 911
Nothing? That's my strongest opinion about something is "Eh"
Ketchup is vile and disgusting and has no place in civilized society. I feel that it has a corrosive effect on people's ability to appreciate food. Ketchup will destroy your ability to taste anything. Our culture and society will rot from the inside. I fûcking [b][i]HATE[/i][/b] ketchup.
Modern feminism isn't feminism.
Horse vag is best vag.
That no matter what, every person deserves respect until they prove otherwise. Doesn't matter what sex you are, what gender you are, who you love, or what you do as a hobby. Everyone deserves that respect as a person.
Girls can't drive
That I hate you
No matter what sorrows or tribulations you face Jesus Christ can see you through.
Everyone here is a fgt
that the world can still save itself
Lincoln isn't deadkarissa
The world would be a better place if we all loved unconditionally.
The last of us is the most beautiful game ever made, through its unrivaled storytelling, amazing graphics, and intense gameplay.
That 2Pac is still alive
That Pluto is a planet, not a dwarf planet a full planet.
That Pluto is a planet
That feminists, fat-acceptance advocates, and people who meditate are mentally retarded/ill
Fuq president Bush
That everyone should have a pet raddish
Everything should be fair
I haz fax
Receiving a blow job from a woman with large breasts is most pleasurable.
That Tacos, waffles and cereal is delicious.