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5/11/2015 5:54:03 PM
I'm a Xbox player... I'm not happy with the exclusives - just because Bungie made it big on the Xbox, and the majority of the fan base is from Halo and its a bit of an F-You to all of those fans still on Xbox - but in the end, you don't miss what you don't have. No biggie. Plus we will hopefully get it all one day anyway.

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  • No different to Tombraider which made its name on PS

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  • Halo, the most overrated game of all time. XBox is for gays.

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  • Opinions are like butt-holes.... Everybody has one and they all stink!

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  • Don't worry, all of the ps exclusives have been shit so far. Not missing out on much, even Hawkmoon is massively overrated.

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  • I actually quite like the 4th horseman, for general use it wastes ammo but it comes into its own when it comes to ultras and majors. I like Hawkmoon but barely use it because I inevitably am rocking fatebringer, Ghorn and blackhammer most of the time. Monte Carlo? Well that's just a fecking ornament gathering dust in my vault

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  • Hahahahahaha same old sob story

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  • Oh god you morons again, get over it.

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  • What I don't understand is that Bungie tried sticking it to Microsoft by making this deal with Sony when all they did was stick it to their fans that have been loyal to them since the beginning

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  • Bungie didn't make a deal with Sony . Bungie is a game developer , they make games . Activison is a publisher , they publish games . Soooo ..... Activision (the publisher ) sold the temporary rights to the game company with the highest bid .

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  • While the developer/publisher relationship lesson was not needed, you're probably right in that Activision struck the deal and not Bungie. Either way, Activision should have known better. I actually read an article that stated that Activision was originally going to have this deal with Microsoft but changed tactics to make up for having a similar deal with them regarding the CoD crap a while ago. Who knows of it's true though

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  • Money talks. Simple.

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  • Edited by Microducks: 5/11/2015 6:40:48 PM
    Well I try to look at like this...... Some people get to see movies and play games like a month or two before me. I eventually get to experience them. So it's ok. We just have to wait. It's all good!

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  • I don't mind waiting a month or so but a year is crazy to me

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  • A year?? that is two DLCs later

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  • Yes, we won't get any of the PS exclusives (3 PvP maps, 2 strikes, handful of exotics) until the fall

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  • (It turns into its own little pseudo-DLC for Xbox once the timer runs out on the contract.)

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  • Yeah, it's a little long.... But I am willing to bet every 6 months to a year (as long as enough people are playing) there will new content released... Just like Comet. Remember, it's a 10 IP... I'm really looking forward to all of it.

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  • The fault lies with MS for not doing something similar. Sony was looking out for their users, Bng had no problem with providing them with something everyone would eventually have. Thus is life, get used to it or move to Canada.

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  • So you are telling me you think Xbox has been stabbed in the back by bungie, is that right? Even though microshaft took a massive dump all over bungie? Even though the decision for exclusives was almost certainly agreed by Activision and that the reason playstation has exclusives is because Sony ponied up the cash for them? So tell me again how you think this is all bungie a fault?

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  • [quote] Even though microshaft took a massive dump all over bungie? [/quote] How? Microsoft purchased Bungie and Halo because Bungie was about to go bankrupt cause their latest game was deleting people's hard drives. Under Microsoft's wing, Bungie became one of the most successful game developers of one of the most iconic video games of all time. Something doesn't compute.

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  • I can understand how you would be confused because being a zealot hardly lends itself to logic and reason, however Microshaft chewed up Bungie and shat out what was left when they were done with them

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  • [quote]I can understand how you would be confused because being a zealot hardly lends itself to logic and reason, however Microshaft chewed up Bungie and shat out what was left when they were done with them[/quote] A zealot? Why would you say that? I'm super critical of Bungie these days. They are a sad shadow of their former glory as one of the top developers. They used to be incredible but most of the grizzled ancients left, the pentathlons are history, Bungie day is a sad memory (they won't be releasing free DLC and mailing sirloin steaks to fans anytime soon) and Harold Ryan fired Marty O'Donnell (when he jumped ship from MS to run Bungie I was scared). But tell me again how I'm a zealot. People love their pigeon holes. The truth is that Bungie took Microsoft's video game business to new levels and put them on the map in a way MS couldn't do on their own. Similarly, Microsoft gave Bungie the resources and platform to go to places and levels of success they couldn't go on their own. It was an incredibly mutually advantageous relationship.

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  • Yes a Zealot of the Microshaft flavour. I say Zealot because as you have demonstrated in your reply, you are clearly critical of Bungie but think Microshaft can do no wrong

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  • [quote]Yes a Zealot of the Microshaft flavour. I say Zealot because as you have demonstrated in your reply, you are clearly critical of Bungie but think Microshaft can do no wrong[/quote] Hahaha! Oh, you. You love your pigeonholes don't you. It's hard for you to believe that I'm not on anyone's 'side' isn't it? You interpret my doubting of your original claim as me being some kind of fanboy? Lol. I'm no less critical of Microsoft. All I'm saying is that if you think Microsoft's relationship with Bungie was then shafting Bungie and crapping all over them then you're pretty biased in your opinion. Care to provide any proof of MS's dump all over Bungie? Or are you simply an anti 'M$' zealot?

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  • Edited by Soupladel: 5/12/2015 2:46:01 PM
    I am not more against MS than any other company, I consider myself to be quite objective actually and it is from the point of view as someone who has no particular allegiance to Bungie or MS that I feel that Bungie probably got a raw deal from them. I get incredibly irritated when i see people make irrational statements without basis about one company over another just because that's their preference. Something that is quite prevalent when normal discussions degenerate into immature console war style comments. A prime example being this thread in which the OP (as someone else who can't see past Microshaft) directed his anger at Bungie for giving Sony exclusives like they were somehow being traitorous to MS when there was no making a preference of one over another, Sony simply bought something that MS didn't. It's a bit like you and I walking into a bar, you buy yourself a beer and I don't yet I get upset that I don't have a beer even though that was my choice.

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