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5/8/2015 4:00:13 AM

Idea on a new game type, focused on balance, opinions please.

After several months of crucible, experiencing the rise and fall of weapon types throughout the post-game patching, its becoming a concern of mine about the imbalance. One weapon gets nerfed, another becomes the meta, and the cycle continues, so I have a playlist idea to help test which weapon types are actually being used most, rather than for example, assuming all auto rifles need a nerf due to the overuse of an exotic in the weapon class, not gonna mention any names *cough* *cough* *Suros* terrible coughing aside, i'd really like to see a playlist featuring no exotic armor or weapons, it would be a nice change of pace, don't get me wrong, I love the exotic weapons, like for example, my personal favorite, the Invective, but to be able to have a mode that would almost entirely avoid the meta weapons and grenade spam presented by spawning with grenade energy, sounds extremely appealing to me. This new game mode enables a new outlook on Crucible gameplay, where players would be encouraged to use more weapon variety without fear of getting outgunned by the then current meta weapon. It was just a thought, lemme know what you guys think.

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  • 10/10 quality thread, an emotional rollercoaster that kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I laughed, I cried, I learned 42 new ways to season and cook a pork shoulder. Truly a new standard has been set that all future threads will be held in comparison to.

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  • Edited by TheArtist: 5/8/2015 6:28:53 PM
    I think that Crucible mode is called: Halo: The Master Chief Collection. The only thing that is wrong with the current meta is that ARs need to be buffed. All of the other problems are the result of Bungie BREAKING ARs in an effort to get people to use PRs. ...and the reason why getting a stable meta has been difficult is that Bungie really doesn't undestand or respect why burst-fire weapons were created. So they weren't able to create room for them without having to BREAK ARs first.

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  • I believe it is a rather great idea. Exotics undoubtably dominate crucible(to some extent). Especially the infamous weapons such as thorn, last word, suros,ect. Having a non-exotic game type would be a nice change of pace. Now this wouldn't be such a problem if the nerfs only affected the over powered weapon. Examples: the suros was over used even after the 2-3 nerfs. All they had to do was nerf the weapon it's self, because by no way were auto rifles OP. They were quite balanced in fact. But they made the terrible decision to nerf ALL auto rifles, making them near unusable. And at the same time they buffed hand canons because they weren't used enough, ignoring the fact that the last word and thorn were balanced already. I don't know if it is easier to change the coding by doing it to all of them( if so this is all due to laziness), or if they truly thought that they needed a buff. All I know is that their is an over abundance of hand canons( thorn/last word) in the crucible, and the only viable auto rifle I know of now is the suros and this rare my friend got. They simply fixed one problem and created a new one. And if this isn't fixed before Osiris challenges come out, it won't be the Osiris challenges anymore. It will be the thorn challenges, and at that point all diversity that once existed will be gone and replaced with the build >thorn/shotgun/rocket launcher<. I will have lost all hope by that point, I hope it doesn't come but if it does I will officially quit destiny. The only reason I play is for crucible, and if that breaks then there will be no point in staying. #fixyourshitbungie.....

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  • Wow fag

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    • This doesn't belong in #Community

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      • Bumpity

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      • #Destiny

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      • Do you not know how to bump a post?

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