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originally posted in: What's wrong with broman?
5/7/2015 3:07:54 AM
He was ridiculous. I wanted to hear more about the "gift" rocket launcher that is given during the 2nd round I think? But because Broman was to busy screaming like a little biatch about it I couldn't hear any explanations from Deej or Matt that would give me more info on how it works. He completely ruined the stream. It was a House of Wolves reveal, not a professor broman twitch stream. He should've been background, but he had to steal the spotlight in such a horrible fashion. Bottom line, if you're on your own stream, fine, act like a major douche, that's your right. But if you're a guest on a Bungie reveal, have some respect for the people who invited you AND the people trying to get an introduction to the new content. He just made it the Broman show.

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  • You couldn't of said it any better!!

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  • Yup

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  • Except Broman wasn't invited to be a part of the stream as some sort of gift or privilege. He was invited to be part of the stream as Professor Broman. That's what he did. Don't like it? Oh well. Go watch the metric ton of YouTube videos with the information you're after. The reveal isn't to give you a play by play guide and show you the intricacies of how it all works. It's to give you a sneak peek of upcoming content. Whatever you came to the stream for, Broman was invited to be himself, and that's what he did. There is literally no reason to be a dick about it.

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  • And yes, he was invited as a privilege. Do you think there are any other streamers they could've invited? [spoiler]There are.[/spoiler] He probably bought himself a one way ticket back home because of his obnoxiousness. I'm sure Bungie appreciates his love of their game and his promotion of it. But the majority of people who watched today's stream were highly annoyed by his actions and I seriously doubt he ever gets an invite again.

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  • He was the dick. He was acting like a damn 12 year old kid. There are literally a hundred reasons to be a dick about it all throughout the stream. I've seen his stream before and he's a little excitable, but he's nothing like he was acting today. I'm not even pointing out the questionable decisions he made while playing, but I could. In both of the other live streams we've seen we were flooded with information on how the new game modes work. In this stream, we were flooded with girlish screams and obnoxiousness from one person. As I said in another post on another thread...I'll go out on a limb and bet that this will be Broman's last live stream with Bungie for a number of reasons.

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  • Well said. It just seems like the majority didn't like his fanboy behavior, he just acted like a fanboy most of the time. I understand he was Professor Broman, but he is a grown squeaker.

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  • Well written

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