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originally posted in: Evolution is a fact, but...
Edited by SSG ACM: 5/6/2015 6:00:53 AM
[quote]I have no hostility towards any religion as a whole.[/quote]After you stated, "I don't give a shit about anyone's view on origins." [quote]I have hostility toward groups out of religions that try to spread ignorance in interest of protecting literal interpretation of their holy books.[/quote]Agreed, but my intention is not to promote ignorance but to provide [b]information[/b] regarding what is according to Christianity. Those who claim to be part of Christianity yet seek a lifestyle of God-care ease are fools and are [b]never[/b] to be considered Christians. In any case, I've been to public, private, and Christian schools, and I can without any extreme biases that out of the many educational firms that I've been through, Christian schools have been one of the biggest promoters of expanding their knowledge in science. Even if those who claim to be a Christian enthusiastically state that they are Christians, they have to not only believe, but they have to make it evident in their life. Even those who claim to be a Christian and yet promote such a state of ignorance and foolishness is a [b]damnable[/b] sin, so much so that it was quoted by Jesus that He detested such stupidity inflicted upon young-minded people, and I can assure you that there is no way in hell that my intention is to promote such stupidity here or with my friends and family. As far as evolution goes, it literally doesn't make any sense to me. It isn't that I don't understand it. It's just that there's so much missing that I thought would exist: a lot of transitional forms of fossils for at least one species, cosmic dust, origin of intelligence, the necessity for complexity paradox, organic manifestation, cyclical processes, the repudiation of spontaneous generation, inherently bad mutation, etc. As far as the Bible goes, evolution does not have an adequate explanation according to my findings. Then I assume, "God possibly?" since we know that life on Earth needed a cause, and God has no cause because, by definition, He is eternal. Then you may ask, "What justifies this fact?" and I'll respond by saying, "The Bible," and then you would arrogantly respond by saying, "What makes the Bible authentic and not a book just written by man?" to which I would respond, "It's content." to which you would say, "Well that's stupid. You can't source yourself." and then I'll explain by saying, "The Bible itself states that it was written by men endowed by the Holy Spirit of God. If anything was written by man and man alone, would there not be a perfidious motive for man? The Bible promotes God and only God, and it states that there is no other God except Him. "The Book of Moroni teaches polygamy is legal, God was once a man like us, works promote our salvation, and we will eventually be a god of our own planet and have an infinite amount of sex with our loved one(s), like God did when He had Jesus Christ. This is a highly damnable fallacy. The Catholic Church promoted the Apocrypha about 30 years after Martin Luther debunked it with the Ninety-five Thesis explaining their fallacy since the Catholic Church promoted salvation by works, the forgiveness of sins by priests, the celibacy of the Catholic priesthood, the deistic homage toward Mary, the holiness of the Pope, and more. This is a highly damnable fallacy, and how one can determine a faith to be not legit is to find whether it possesses a perfidious motive which would usually be through monetary or physical gain (The Catholic Church) or psychological self-appeasement to one's state in their version of the acclaimed after-life (The Doctrine of Mormonism). "The Bible alone, without all that additive crap, which was added to change the canon, is the [b]only[/b] text in the world that does not call one to a state of self-fulfillment, but to a state of self-denial; and so, it could not have been written by man since it didn't have the intent in the first place to appease men, but instead, it promotes throughout the entire text an individual who you believe to be our Flying Spaghetti Monster, God. If it was written by man alone, it would have at least provided some gain to an individual on Earth (e.g., The Pope or The Catholic Church) or a well-appeasing infinite carnality desire (e.g., spiritual sex or earthly polygamy in Mormonism). "To summarize, evolution has no origin so God must exist in order for life to begin to have complexity, intelligence, and organic life. [spoiler]Note: Darwin doubted the origin of complexity even in his studies written in chapter 6 of [i]On the Origin of Species[/i][/spoiler]Everything has a cause but God doesn't since He's eternal. The Bible is true because it was evidently not written by man with the intent of appeasing men, and it promotes only God and exhibits every human, even the prophets as flawed creatures that were justified for eternal damnation"; thus, everything logically has a cause.

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  • And we're done here.

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  • That's it? You've read all that I've stated already? I afforded you the luxury of reading your text, and all you have to say is, "done"?

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  • Yes.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 5/6/2015 6:46:31 AM
    To which question? That we're done or that you read it all? If you don't respond, then I'll just assume you are tired of continuing this conversation.

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  • Both.

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  • [quote]Both.[/quote]Atheist is speechless.

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  • No, theist just does some verbal dancing by never addressing what evolution actually is, moves his point all over the place to avoid being proven wrong, quotes the bible, and displays ignorance as evidence against evolution.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 5/7/2015 5:07:43 AM
    [quote]No, theist...[/quote]Christian, theist, deist, and atheist are different terms for different reasons because [semantics].[quote]...just does some verbal dancing by never addressing what evolution actually is...[/quote]Okay then. My Evolution Definition: A misconstrued scientific fallacy.[quote]...moves his point all over the place to avoid being proven wrong...[/quote]Three Words: Quote me, please.[quote]...quotes the Bible...[/quote]...and that's wrong because...[quote]...and displays ignorance as evidence against evolution.[/quote]I've been debating against with paragraphs of information, and you regard as displaying ignorance?

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  • You've not once presented information. You've only presented (paraphrasing) "this thing here I don't understand, and this quote kind of backs up me not understanding, so evolution wrong". Every time you present a position, and it's countered you just dismiss it. Try actually researching what you're talking about. You have yet to present a flaw with evolution outside of the fact you don't understand it, and you think genesis is true.

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  • [quote]You've not once presented information.[/quote]The OP.[quote]You've only presented (paraphrasing) "this thing here I don't understand, and this quote kind of backs up me not understanding, so evolution wrong."[/quote]Admitted Paraphrase: Evolution has no case without origins.[quote]Every time you present a position, and it's countered, you just dismiss it.[/quote]Untrue. I've never cease an argument with you.[quote]Try actually researching what you're talking about. You have yet to present a flaw with evolution...[/quote]NO ORIGINS.[quote]...outside of the fact you don't understand it, and you think genesis is true.[/quote]You think evolution is harder to understand than theology?

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  • Origins isn't evolution.

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  • Edited by SSG ACM: 5/7/2015 11:38:22 PM
    Then you have no choice to accept that it's true by faith?

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