If it destroyed your control KD you should have learned to counter it. Thorn is not overpowered. Red death, hungering blade, and healing with an orb are some easy ways to counter it. Hawkmoon is a 2 shot kill almost exclusively, and I don't have to wait on a dot to put you down. The only reason people don't complain over the Hawkmoon is because [b]People that play PlayStation aren't 12[/b], hell, I may as well dismantle hawkmoon once Xbox players get it. ;-;
I would say xbox players are more mature with that ignorant comment.
I can from 360, best decision I ever made. A hell of a lot less squeakers. e.o
If the best decision you've ever made had to do with video games your pathetic
Get a ps4 you'll understand.
Only thing it's got on xbox is hardware. Slightly better hardware.
And the community. and that it actually displays 1080, and not scaled 720 xD can't believe they didn't fix that ;-;
Told you hardware is the only thing you can say. From what your showing me the Playstation community is a bunch of stuck up prices.
Pricks? And no, I just have a strong hate for Xbox. It used to put ring scratches in my game and make them unplayable, and they always cry for needs in PvP that I never hear PlayStation players bitch about. ;-;
Also you aren't supposed to move your xbox around while it's on. Or any console for the matter.
You're being extremely biasd right now. You won't give me any evidence to support your claim. You are the reason why Playstation looks bad.
I am the only reason? ;-; I'm sorry. I didn't know you went to who or whatever sold you the console and though "I'm so glad Gamblrr doesn't play Xbox."
It's people like you that make video game community's trash. If you just loon at your previous comments you'll see how you keep contradicting yourself over and over.
I probably do, I'm having fun doing Hard Vog at the moment. Too lazy to proof read them e.o
Tell me if you get any of those useless ps exclusive exotics
I already own all of the great exclusives :*
[quote]Red death, hungering blade, and healing with an orb are some easy ways to counter it.[/quote] Lol so a super, a specific exotic weapon and an orb lying around (there's always so many of those in crucible) are easy ways to counter 2 headshots. Ok mate