So, understandably Bungie nerfed Auto Rifles as the statistics proved they were the most over-used weapons in almost every activity. Now that they've castrated and killed Auto Rifles completley and buffed Pulse Rifles to top-tier and Hand Cannons to the most over-used genre of weapon, they might as well restore ARs to their former glory to compete with the newly buffed and overused Hand Cannons. If they re-buff ARs, will you not use Thorn anymore?
TLW: 2 Hipfire = Kill.
Thorn: 2 Headshot = Kill.
Red Death: 2 Headshot = Kill.
Scout Rifle: 3 Headshot = Kill. ( G-Demise )
Auto Rifles cannot compete with any of these weapons at close range.
If two players that were both pros shot at eachother with perfect aim from the same distance, all of the weapons I just mentioned would clearly win. Unless you get the first shot, no.
The first 3-10 shots in, you will lose any gunfight with an Auto Rifle against a skilled player.
EDIT: Bungie finally gave in. Not only are Thorn and the Last Word receiving a due nerf, but Auto Rifles are receiving the exact buff we decided on ( Or mostly )
To restore Auto Rifles to their prime damage but to keep the range nerfs in place to limit Auto Rifles to close-mid range encounters like Thorn and Last Word were originally intended to be.
Thank you all for consistently bumping this forum and I'm gladly looking forward to the Auto Rifle buff.
No, just un-nerf them by about 80% what they were.
Auto Rifles are just getting a different nerf. The range dropoff in the latest patch is so extreme you will need to be almost in punching range for them to be effective. Bungie do not want weapons to be effective at range. I am just waiting to see if they will actually have Auto Rifles with high impact again instead of the BB guns that we have had to put up with.
Needs a buff, just not a reinstatement
I would agree that AR should receive a buff, but not perhaps completely in damage. I am always amazed when I am landing a barrage of High Rate of Fire head shots with heavy rounds directly into someones face and they are able to land head shots against me with Thorn. Perhaps make it much more difficult to return fire when being shot in the face by an AR at close to mid range. Don't get me wrong, I am actually not a big AR user. I prefer to use a scout rifle or hand cannon based on size of PFP map, but Auto Rifles should be a viable option in the middle. I finally got Monte Carlo and I want to use it from time to time. I still have not gotten Soros Regeme, and I would love to try that out. I will still use Thorn, Last Word, etc. I want them all to have a time and place, and based on the player's skill, be useful.
Edited by Un1337ninj4: 8/4/2015 2:20:05 AMDude, Autos in general are going to be in the same .7-.9s Primary TTK window as Legendary weapons after the 10% buff. From .93-~.837s Crits and from 1.13 (low Armor)/1.2 (High Armor)-1.017-1.08s Body -High RoF Autos From 1.00-.9s Crits and from 1.2-1.08s Body -Lightweight (Abyss/Vindicator)/Stable (For The People/Low Down) Archetype Autos From 1.06-~.954s Crits and from 1.33-1.197s body - High Impact Autos. This means that with less range comes more killing potential and generally harder to use. Right now Scouts are getting Quality of Life buffs to PvP that don't effect TTK, HandCs are becoming harder to use but remain just as lethal and Pulses are becoming harder to use with only a few getting a TTK hit. So, yeah, Autos are becoming viable, none of the above will be god-tier, and damage has an inverse relation to Range allowing for more freedom in playstyle choices. Excitement is to be had!
Mostly need higher base stability and higher base magazine size, esp. for the lower impact/high RoF ARs.
can someone please tell me if the suros regime is worth buying for 23 strange coins??
I'll continue to use thorn. Why would they nerf thorn twice within 30 days?
you must not remember the suros banner.
Autos don't deserve much of a buff because they don't take much skill to use. Yes they need a buff, but a small one.
They need a small buff
Even pre buff they are still used more than scout rifles lol.
so when will the buff happen?
They have to be rebuffed completely to stand a chance against the pulse rifles.
Range and damage falloff should be left the same (or even reduced further), but the damage nerf needs to be rolled back. There really is no need for it at this point. Also, hand cannons need to have their effective range reduced as well.
Or just castrate yourself
I just want to get shot by something different for a change
Yo yo man try using an autorifle right now i am beating thorns with the hardlight wtf is going on!
Nothing should be nerfed. That will cause more issues. Just rebuff the AR damage and slightly increase the range then it will compete with everything else. You may finally see variety in this game.
I suspect we will get some overall balancing when TTK arrives. In the meantime though, it would be nice to use autos again. They're definitely the most diverse group of weapons with some sweet perks! I wonder what the stats are now? 2% of players using an auto?
Edited by TRUEPATRiiOT: 7/1/2015 6:53:14 AMIt's sad that the meta of Destiny is insta-kill. Whenever I play Crucible/Trials of Osiris, all I see is Thorn, The Last Word, and Hawkmoon. Very rarely do I see anything else, and if I do, that person is usually on the bottom of the scoreboard. I would LOVE to see auto rifles get some love, as they have some truly epic designs. Monte Carlo and Hardlight are both really awesome looking/sounding weapons that are complete trash. There is no point in even wanting them, besides adding them to your collection. It's sad that a whole class of weapons are now completely useless in PVP and PVE. Please Bungie, bring back AR's to their former glory, and for the love of God, do something about those handcannons.
by now Bungie knows they suck, instead we should only use them in Crucible, so that Bungie sees just how bad they do, when all matches go by times with maybe 5 or 6 kills, they might finally decide to change things.
Get it up
Yes, exotics handcannons would have a competition finally