[quote]Audi has begun production of a synthetic diesel fuel made from water, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen. Unlike fossil fuels, which release additional carbon into the atmosphere, Audi’s “e-diesel,” which is being produced at a plant in Dresden in conjunction with the German alternative energy company Sunfire, has a net-zero carbon footprint because it is made with carbon dioxide taken from the air.
The challenge for Audi will be ramping up its fuel from a science project to a commercial success. It seems to have ambitions to do so: it has been pursuing carbon-neutral fuels since 2009, and its partnership with Sunfire is just one of several collaborations with energy companies. [/quote]
One of the biggest issues people always have with alternative energy is giving up their vehicles. I'm no different, I love my V8 4x4 truck. But I also care a lot about trying to save our environment, and this is the best of both worlds. Yay science!
I don't seem to understand. You're taking molecules at lowers states of energy and putting them into a state of higher energy. That's the opposite of a spontaneous reaction and it seems that this would net a negative gain in free energy. I'm just saying, the science makes no sense.