There was a lot added, like the upgrade of weapons to 365, material exchange, new models for vendor gear, and the reef itself. What are you looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to dancing with our new vandal friend in the reef all the time
Deeze nuts.
Prison of Elders is going to change each week. Also that Prison of Elders weapons and gear will be sold on a rotation so we do not have to grind the same raid for months trying to get the drops we want. Material exchange was good, reforge HoW legendaries is good, VoG gear at max light is good. Really nothing that I didn't like.
Upgrades to Legendaries.
The faction gear/ weapons finally got new skins. Also the vendor weapons aren't the same exact things but with new colors
I can't decide, I'm looking forward to all of it!
Killing stuff. That's all we ever do. Mindless killing. The joy!!!
Vex is thawed!!! (You can now upgrade the vex)
365 vex
Weapon reforging. I am moist.
The Fallen Vendor. I [i][b]WANT[/b][/i] that auto rifle. Any fallen weapon, actually. I wouldn't mind a shock pistol.
I'm really looking forward to jacking off every time I get into a loading screen once I get my hands on that ship the Queen's Bounty lady has.
Reforging, 365 old legendarys, many ways to 34, everyone gonna be unique. Idk what's my favorite!
New armor and weapon combos will be huge, it will hopefully freshen up both pve and pvp.
upgrading old armor, now having to be a clone. Being able to be max level with armor perks i actually want, not ones im forced into.
The new queens wrath ship.
I really liked the acendent shards to mote of light
Theres a lot of interesting stuff. But it still boils down to 2 strikes one survival/horde mode and a weekend multiplayer challenge 3 story missions and 3 quest missions. Is it enough to keep us going for months? I hope so but doubt it.
Am I the only one that noticed the reef had a cryptarch and Deej or Goth or Oryx didn't even touch on it. They didn't open up his inventory or do anything like that
365 fatebringer
Material exchange and old legendary weapon upgrade. I hung on to all of the VoG weapons and some of my favorite legendary weapons so I'm ready for that. VEX IS UPGRADABLE! Most disappointing for me is that I dismantled all of my old gear when I got CE gear. That includes my original new monarchy gear that I started with.
Edited by RichyWoo: 4/23/2015 1:21:26 PMBest reveal?. Deej's undeniable charisma.
Edited by DaveyCrockett5000: 4/23/2015 11:49:08 AMI just want to see the Prison of Elders. The Reef is definitely cool, but I'm more interested to see how the Prison of Elders looks and plays.
Edited by vonix200: 4/23/2015 2:59:28 PMGold postmaster And queens wrath