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4/22/2015 3:36:00 AM
This was written by my friend. There were once 2 men. One was wise and one was a student. Student: that's a lot of life. Wise: Truly is, my friend. Student: 8.8 galaxy? Wise: Magnificent, isn't it? Student: Hell yeah! Wise: Don't use those words. Student: Sorry. But...there's something else. Wise: What? Student: Are they're aliens? You never answered. Wise: As I said, I can't answer that. Student: Oh. Wise: But I can answer this. Student: What? Wise: If we can ever go there. Student: Well? Wise: Yes, we may. It is [i]very[/i] possible. Student: How? Wise: Look here, my friend, at history. We invinted the telescope. Then saw the moon up close. Then we saw planets. Named them, one by one. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn. Then their moons. Phobos, Titan, and many others. Places thought that we could never go. But then we stepped foot on the moon. Evolved that technology to eventually go to Mars. We did the impossible. In an estimated 5,000,000 years. And we have billons of years left. And we already are going to Mars. Student: I get it now. Wise: Let me continue. Student: Sorry. Wise: We may have to go there. From the sun. Global warming. Nuclear energy. Anything is possible. We may not just want to go there, but [i]need[/i] to. Student: Do you think there are aliens? Wise: I don't make wild guesses. Student: *sighs* Wise: But if there was to be life, it wouldn't be able to understand us. We would need to understand it, most likely. Whether they are less or more evolved than us, they will [i]definately[/i] not be like us. Looks nor communication. Student: Now I'm very curious to go there. Wise: Then let's go.

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