great change ! Its the same with phogoth, if you exit the second door he will be re-chained and has full health again.
you clear out all the enemies in the room. position yourself and your buddys behind the rocks on the left side of the room and release everything you've got on him. He's down even before the first ship arrives. End even if it arrives.. you can totally handle it. With the tiniest bit of communication the boss fight is more than doable. The hard part is way before when dinklebot tries once again to open the door. But maybe that's just me and my friends I play with. One question: have you even tried to do it legit once? If not than don't hate me for my opinion.
I hope you're kidding. Phogoth is a true pain the the ass because of the overall lack of cover. Out there you are truly at the mercy of the enemy and the burn.
Are you -blam!-ing joking around!?
...mother of god Nightfall head burn for elite only
For real?