*A Shuttle lands after reckless flying*
*Vex... Or what's left of him... Jumps out*
"Where... Where?!"
Edited by Wretched Cain: 4/20/2015 3:03:25 AM[b][url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/94/fb/3794fbede4538301bab75fa9e2b6d7be.jpg]Brawlers[/url] approach through the streets with Jackhammer Auto Rifles, and [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/71/03/26/7103261e4706b84917cb4bb4cb6f6717.jpg]Originals[/url] line the rooftops wielding Combustion Rifles. A lone [url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--wAeTwAiR--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/18f1ss2r55oumjpg.jpg]Predator[/url] seemingly commands them all, and approaches Vex, energy sword branded.[/b] ...///...IDENTIFY, ORGANIC. ARE YOU ALRIGHT?
"You... Where... How"
[b]He's silent, and begins repeating.[/b] ...///IDENTIFY, ORG- [i]Stop![/i] [b]Suddenly, an [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8f/ae/43/8fae4330629e61d057a733c4ea9b82c3.jpg]Android with a halo[/url] approaches Vex. Upon seeing him, he reels back, a visible sign of shock.[/b] [i]By Vulcan's hammer... It's...[/i] [b]He shakes his head.[/b] [i]Are you alright?[/i]
"All... But.... Here..."
[i]Start from the beginning. I have all day.[/i] [b]He sits on the concrete, Indian style, head perked.[/b]
*He continues muttering gibberish nonsense*
[b]He continues to listen.[/b] [i]...I see. Why don't you repeat what you said to our friend here?[/i] [b]He points to the Predator.[/b]
*He looks at him and swings at him*
[spoiler]Cain or the Predator?[/spoiler]
[b]Before he completes the swing, the halo android grabs his shoulder.[/b] [i]CALM YOURSELF. NOW.[/i]
*Begins gibberish again*
[b]He listens closely to the gibberish.[/b]
*He concludes that Vex's mind is shattered. And may be of use..."
[spoiler]I'm trying to figure out how I can get him to communicate. Manipulation can only be done through communication.[/spoiler] [spoiler]I'd appreciate some cooperation on your part, I have a cold and it's incredibly difficult to think right now.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Twas expecting alright Ignus power[/spoiler] "What... Is this place..."
[spoiler]Force is good persuasion, but only on people who have something to lose.[/spoiler] [i]Perth Varcoe, BlackWind. Currently sitting on a concrete road. Would you like to go somewhere a bit more comfortable?[/i]
"What... How.... Yes, yes."
[b]He gets up and offers you a hand.[/b]
*Takes it*
[b]He pulls you up and begins walking.[/b] [i]You crash landed here... Right on a water well, too. No problem; The Mind was fixed recently, so resources shouldn't be a problem soon... Can you remember what happened before you crash landed?[/i]
"I don't but I do.. But I don't.."
[i]Tell me what you know.[/i]
"I don't... Know"
[spoiler]New post up above.[/spoiler]