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Edited by logikbrooklyn: 4/22/2015 1:58:11 PM

Mass panic over... $15 bucks. Lmfao

2 breakfast sandwiches - $8 bucks Redbull $3.30 Girls coffee $2 Around $4 bucks in gas driving to work. Before 9 am i spent $17.30 by default. This is automatic. By the days end I'll be minimum $35 in. Yet people are complaining they got a bare minimum of 50 hours of entertainment (it will be way more) for $15 bucks? You feel you were OWED a raid? No. I'm sorry to break the news to you, but you aren't OWED anything. In the game, or in life. Take you're imaginary girlfriend to see a movie, two tickets are $25+ all day...for [b]an hour and a half of entertainment[/b] There's a new mode, that every single one of you whining, babbling, cry babies are completely dismissing before you even know what it is. How bout you shut the -blam!- up, man up, grab your balls and stop being such spoiled little self entitled muts to society. [b]EDIT. Alot of comment are pouring in with people saying things like "if I ordered a steak and potatoes, but got no steak I'd be pissed". Of course I would, because I ORDERED that. Video games are not -blam!-ing made a la carte. They are made by companies, pre determined, and we buy them. We don't customize them before purchase.[/b] [b]EDIT 2. Did anyone stop to think maybe bungie is delaying the raid so people don't jump head first into it, and actually get to enjoy all the new, hard worked content first? Just a thought.[/b] [b]EDIT 3 my favorite one of all. This thread generated a ton of response, way more than I expected. What I like is that the vast majority of the responses are level headed people who agree. There is hope.[/b] [b]FINAL EDIT - I see a lot people turning this into my "spending habits are flawed" if I knew what I was doing with money I wouldn't buy the game type of thread. I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but spending habits and budgeting are RELATIVE to what you earn. Video games like any other leisure are an EARNED RIGHT. I'm 31 now, and from 18 to about 26 I didn't even own a gaming console. Growing up when I lived home with mommy and daddy and did, because it didn't matter. Once I got priorities in order,in put games down for almost 8 years. Now at 31, I've set myself up with a years of hard work that I can sit back and enjoy my leisures comfortably. If i gamed as much in my 20's as I've been in the past 3 months I probably would have lost my job eventually. $30 a day on misc items may be a lot to some people, and I respect that, nor do I look down on you for it. I happen to do well for myself, not because of luck or having things handed to me...but because I busted my ass and made tons of sacrafices. So no, my 20 to 30 bucks daily wasn't the point of this thread. The point was if you had any respect for work, man hours, and a dollar, you'd understand that 15-20 bucks for the content that you're getting is WELL WORTH IT. Don't give "bungie promised me" bs either. Don't be mad at bungie for believing an unofficial leak.[/b]

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  • Dude this post sums up everything I have been thinking about the forums as of late. Nailed it. 90% of the moaners are kids who probably arnt invested in anything anyway.

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  • Edited by xBongLeach562x: 4/15/2015 7:05:51 AM
    Girls coffee? Your daughters? Or u just get girl size?

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    • Edited by Cade: 4/15/2015 9:52:39 AM
      Yeah 15-29 dollars x10 because if all the split content

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    • Because you're in a forum populated by spoilt kids who expects to be handed everything. There's not even any sense in trying to make them understand the simple concept you put forward. They'll just follow what the majority says and jump on the bandwagon.

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    • It's not about the money. I just wanted one more raid, 2 isn't enough...

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    • You waste way too much money each day.

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    • I honestly believe the raids are the best part of this game. And if my crew and myself can't enjoy playing a new one that's a disappointment to me (personally). Horde modes can be very fun! I was addicted to COD zombies for quite a while. But for me personally, I quit the destiny crack a couple of months ago and will play H.O.W. Just because I've already payed for it, but I don't have a lot of faith that it will suck me back in. Despite that bungie is giving us an entire new game mode (which is great btw), if they would give us that in addition to a raid, which I must reiterate is the best part of destiny, then I would be thrilled!!! But without a new raid to play with 5 of my other friends.... I don't rly care. P.s. OP I saw your 2nd edit about maybe them releasing the raid later... And I hope that's the case, but I doubt it.

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      3 Replies
      • Uh, yeah, HoW was advertised with a raid.

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        27 Replies
        • So whats coming in the new dlc Trials of Osiris: pvp tournament with new looking weapons and badass armor, shader, emblem, and Fate of All Fools. The Arena: New type of gladiator like activity that has never been seen before. (How about something once in a while?) Lots new loot to aquire (raid loot equivalent). Queens Wrath: most likely will return with the new dlc. 3 story missions. Fye looking vendor gear. One strike (ps strike maybe?). HELLA SHIPS (leaked). New crucible arenas. UPGRADEABLE RAID GEAR. 3 exotic weapons (a ps exotic maybe?). Lots of new exotic Armor. ....and people still cry at the end of the day. Tragic. Good job Bungie, i look forward to House Of Wolves.

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          6 Replies
          • You should make your first edit the main post that was awsome. But relax the hardcore communty does not even make up 20% of entire player base so it's a massive non issue. These raiders are just gunna have to understand the vast majority of peeps are just not intrested in that type of hard to get into content. Unless it single player for the bloodborn nutters out their 😆

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          • Right? That means I need to work an entire 45 minutes at work to pay for it. Dammit all.

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          • Edited by Doktimus Prime: 4/15/2015 7:12:42 AM
            [b]Best analogy ever! Written below[/b] [quote] [b]EDIT. Alot of comment are pouring in with people saying things like "if I ordered a steak and potatoes, but got no steak I'd be pissed". Of course I would, because I ORDERED that. Video games are not -blam!-ing made a la carte. They are made by companies, pre determined, and we buy them. We don't customize them before purchase.[/b][/b][/quote] Here's the way i see it. If i went to a restaurant and ordered a steak and potatoes, yes, i would expect steak and potatoes. However, if after placing my order for the steak, the chef or the manager came out and said, "[i]Sir, we are very sorry. We know you ordered the steak but we've encountered a problem. You see, we are very new to serving steak on our menu and as a result, our steaks are not coming out of the kitchen looking or tasting as great as we had hoped they would. [b]In fact, despite our best efforts, all of our steaks are coming out coated in cheese and full of bugs. [/b] I assure you, our food is excellent, but we are just very new to preparing steak properly. May i bring you the lobster or the salmon instead? [/i] Of course, the manager would only be deterring people from the steak due to the fact that almost everyone in the restaurant has been bitching about it non stop (not that they shouldn't). Even though i would be grossed out by the bugs all together, i would appreciate his honesty and would rather have something other than the steak. At least until they get better at preparing it properly. I feel as if that is a good analogy. Bungie flat out admitted that they were "humbled" by the communities response to the raids they've put out so far and it seems like they would rather take their time to make a really great raid, instead of serving us another one like CE, full of bugs and cheese.

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            2 Replies
            • Wow, people with brains do exist in this forum....

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            • 1
              Real Sh!t, all these people ever do is complain and is never satisfied. You're right, $15 dollars isn't anything when it comes to everyday needs.

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            • Nice

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            • The only thing I read is that a redbull costs $3.50 in America, dafuq? £0.99 in Britain

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            • In england we have to pay more. Being the master race has its drawbacks sometimes :c

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              8 Replies
              • I like you op. Iv been trying to tell people this for months

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              • True DAT lol. Naw but really with the way people are complaining you'd thing everyone was dirt poor or something. Its 15 bucks. Taking my girl to the movies cost like twice that lol.

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              • Haha so much wisdom in this post

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              • We have to pay 20 pounds for each dlc which is 30 dollars

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              • You's right cuh

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              • Well said

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              • $20.00 if I want to be a dick about it. And also you do know the rating on this game right? Dude 13 yr olds will become even more annoying.

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              • It's people like you that make gaming companies know they can give us less and less because there will always be those who will just accept it and bash anyone else for thinking we are being ripped off. Watch they will just charge us for the raid as dlc later

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                13 Replies
                • Also everyone is assuming that a raid won't be released before comet. They never said that, they said a new raid later in the summer.

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