[i]Avoid more deaths?[/i]
[i]Avenge? AVENGE?!
He was protecting Felix's and his murderer, Mars Trooper. He was protecting the one who wanted to split us apart! And look what she did. She split us apart. A house divided, ready to face each other, member against member, family against family.[/i]
*badger* And who told them to attack this palce. If salazar died by her hand i am pretty sure noone woudl ocme for him. I know most of you disregarded. HIm. He wanted to avoid a comunity. to fall he wanted to help it grow. And he was killed for defending. FUn. everyone tell Sal to defend instead of just attackign people. and when he does he ends up dead. Was thsi all worht for one man. we ve lost 2 man for what? at thsi rate we will loose 3 people.