Go back to sleep. Probably some drunk.
F-cking college dorms, letting in all sorts these days...
[quote]Go back to sleep. Probably some drunk. [/quote] How the -blam!- did you know?, so it is you staring at me through the window? Lol [quote] F-cking college dorms, letting in all sorts these days...[/quote] Wait...what, where? [spoiler] ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)[/spoiler]
I attend the University of NoneOfYour, enrolled in the School of Business.
That sounds good I attend the university of SeveralRestrainingOrders and I am based on the campus YouBastardTellMeIWantOneMore.
What a coincidence, I'm working on getting a certificate in LookMotherfuсkerIDoubleDogDareYouToLayAHandOnMeOrSoMuchAsStepFootInTheStateILiveInIdSodomizeYouWithALightningRodAndGiveYouOneJoltForEveryStepYouNeedToTakeToGetBackOutAgain.
I violated the [url=/en/View/bungie/conduct]Code of Conduct[/url] and was met with Ninja Justice.