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4/11/2015 1:08:01 AM
I mostly agree. In a game with as little content as there is, the weapons and armor are content. I don't see how selling the hardest to get stuff to the masses helps in the long run. I mean by now the average player already has nearly everything. And we aren't even at the second dlc yet. Most games such as this use the endgame gear as something to strive for. With xur the striving has become heroic strikes and waiting. Which is fine for the average joe with less game time but why do you deserve the same gear as someone who is putting in more effort? Sure you spent the cash on the game but so did the other guy. Sure people earn their coins. But in comparison to the rest of the game the heroic strikes are the easiest bit of endgame content. And offer the only guaranteed exotics outside of the bounty weapons. Why is that? Because the rng system is brutal is my guess to why bungie wanted something like xur. But the prices on stuff weren't well though out. Sure in the beginning players would have to pick and choose. But now players have an abundance of coins and are just waiting around for xur to sell things. My solution would be to increase the prices. Or make xur a limited time thing. Available on weekends but your are only allowed 1 purchase a week. Or better yet. A limited amount of purchases over the course of the entire game. Xur shouldn't be the main source of acquiring exotics. Rng shouldn't force players to buy from xur to obtain their exotics. This whole thing really makes me believe that this is all an experiment for future destiny games. Which hopefully don't have a xur.

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  • Yeah why buy gear from a dude who's sole purpose is to sell gear. By this logic never buy anything from any vendor ever. Nothing. Only rely on the cryptarch and RNG.

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  • Obviously my point soared right over your head.

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  • He already is a limited time thing, prices are prices no matter how much you think is "enough" someone's always gonna have enough to buy multiple, and why not worry about yourself? What's wrong with multiple people having the same gun? That's like getting upset someone is using the same subclass set up as you finding out every kid on the block with a gameboy has a mewtwo. Grow up.

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  • That's not the same thing at all. Obviously your apart of the (last place gets a trophy) generation. Tell me how xur selling the hardest to get gear helps destiny in the long run. At this point everyone has everything they could want. Why bother playing the game at all. Just sit around and wait for xur

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  • Like you already said most everyone should already have the gear, be it through xur or by general playing, so how does this affect you?

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  • It's not about it effecting me rather than it effecting the game itself. How does it help to just give away the best stuff to everyone?

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  • Its not being given away, either way you have to do something to get it, be it coins or its given as a reward at the end of an activity. Same as glimmer or marks, its an in game currency used on in game items. Strange coins don't come as often as glimmer or marks to a certain extent so that doesn't justify him not selling exotics. RNG works weird for some of everything, I've been playing since beta and I didn't get the thorn bounty until about a week after the dark below dropped and that's just a bounty not even the item. There aren't enough items for the game as is or activities for everyone to not have access to the same opportunities. Not everyone wants to toil for hours on end on 3 characters in one activity hoping to get something. Xur was around pre-raid and no one complained about getting weapons from him then. What's the big deal now? Y'all would have an argument if he was patched in after the vault or dark below but he was here from the start.

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  • And it made sense to have him in the start. That's my point is xur works great when limited. As it is right now the majority of players see him as their only source of exotics. I just feel that buying an exotic should be harder than doing two level 30 heroic strikes.

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  • As the game "expands" more options to accomplish things open up with it that's just the way it is. Inflation already sucks in real life why add it to a video game? We all started in basically the same place, the only people who got a leg up are the ones that started playing after the dark below because the vanguard gear is better.

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  • How come nobody ever responds to that. Is two heroics worth a guaranteed exotic? Compared to the rest of the game it is kinda backwards

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  • That is my response, saying 2 heroics is worth an exotic is the same as saying, xx hours of chest hunting is worth an exotic, or xx hours in patrol, xx number of engram's turned in, it is what it is. Y'all act like exotics are so special in the first place. In a game with so few items its a bit unreasonable to think people don't deserve something just because your method took more time. Its not ruining anything, if it was then the game literally wouldn't work or people would completely abandon it. If you don't like it don't play. Just be happy there are more options to to do something. Its an mmorpg not a side scroller.

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  • Edited by Jake cant shoot: 4/11/2015 2:08:32 PM
    No its not the same at all. It remains to be the only guaranteed exotic outside of the bounties. The process of two heroic strikes vs the rest of the game is far more easy and less time consuming. That's the point. A player with less time put in [i]doesnt[/i] deserve the same as someone who puts in more time. When I played final fantasy online I never looked at a guy with the best gear and said to myself. Man I wish I could take an easy route to get it. Xur is bungies way of being fair. But why should things be fair for everyone? And for me it has effected me because my friends list used to be loaded with 20-30 people always on. Now that everyone has all the guns what is there to play for? Just log on once a week. Do a few heroics get your exotics log off. It's what destiny has become for a lot of people. Can't blame them. Because bungie made it possible.

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  • Because it's a game... Who would want to play a game that only allows certain players to do certain things? We all have access to the same activities to get the same stuff. Its a pretty basic concept.

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  • That's the point of a game like this. Some players that raid should have better gear options than those that dont. A person who plays iron banner gets those guns while the other person doesnt. But with exotics it's either 100% random. Or two heroic strikes. Seems like it's a system favoring the average joe

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  • Exotics aren't limited to raids though (with 2 exceptions that xur doesn't sell), there are raid specific weapons and armor as well as IB specific weapons and armor. And vangaurd and crucible, just by doing it means you have a chance to get something specific to that activity. Most raid weapons are better than exotics anyway simply because of the primaries with any kind of damage. That stuff is earned/awarded after you do the required activity to get it. The only earned exotics would be the ones from bounties because you know what you'll get in the end. I know that went to the left a bit but the point is, xur doesn't sell all the best gear in the game, his purpose is to sell armor and weapons, a helping hand to some or grimoire machine for others. If he sold raid specific stuff then by all means get mad, but til that day its nothing to get worked up over.

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  • Yeah exactly xur is meant to be a helping hand not the primary way for people to be getting gear. As it is now. You only need to play for about an hour. Two heroics and wait on xur for an exotic. That how the game has become. Xur shouldn't be being relied on like people do now.

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  • Xur should only come once a month with high prices if I was in charge of xur. Depending on the usefulness of the armor or weapon would determine it's price. Example: Gjallarhorn 100 coins Dragons breath 20 coins

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