When I played WoW you had a choice of a few different raids that were all at your level. I can't remember if there were a few for each side (alliance/horde) or not. Also they were not increasing the level cap and obsoleteing your gear every three months.
Maybe in vanilla they didn't but they most certainly do now. Every patch is basically a new tier of raids which replaces the previous tier. The only mistake destiny made was the vendor gear being able to get you to 31 which the deva have said they would not make that mistake again.
They did in vanilla too. Its always been WoWs way. You master one raid then move on up to the next. Hell even vanilla had 4 Or 5 raids. The only difference is that WoW intends for an xpac to last 2 years rather than 6 month Dlc and they actually have the content to stretch it out. I think Destiny is off to a rough start but so was WoW in its day. Give it some time and it'll either get better or fade away. Hopefully it'll get better.
I played lich king and cataclysm. At those times expansions were about 2 years apart. Seems they have really sped things up these days. What is the level cap, like 250?