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Edited by Boom Shalock: 4/8/2015 3:28:01 PM

The classes are unbalanced in PvP and Hunters are heavily OP (Proof inside!)

I always had the impression, the classes are not well balanced and therefore I went to and did some research. I evaluated several Top-100 rank lists (score, K/D etc.) on their site across all platforms and statistically counted the occuring classes. This is the result as a distribution of classes among the Top 100 lists: [b]63% - Hunters 23% - Titans 14% - Warlocks[/b] This leaves two conclusions: 1. Good players play Hunters. 2. Hunters are the most powerful class concerning the Crucible. Personally I doubt 1, at least in with this numbers. Hunters are the most played class, but the distribution in pure played classes is somehow like 38:31:31 (H:T:W). How would you interpret these numbers? edit: It's typical for these forums, how you get attacked and flamed if you open hypothesis like this. Don't get me wrong, kids, I'm not calling for a nerf or anything. I just want to discuss the numbers. And I expect Bungie to do a decent retrospective in the classes balance! edit2: It's interesting to see, how nobody seems to care about this thread but the the Hunter fanboys, who solely come in to cry and tell me to stop crying and to stop to critic their beloved Hunter. This community is really immature and childish. edit3: A lot of people start to argue with class skills or player skills, but can we please reduce to the numbers I posted and you can try explaining them?

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  • What needs to be done is the hunters need to lose their radar during their supers, both golden gun and blade dancer. They Gould be able to activate around the corner from someone and go in and kill them but shouldn't be able to use their radar to go hunt the rest of the team. This would balance out hunter supers.

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    • My question is do u use hunters?

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    • Maybe the people who like PvP are just more attracted to the Hunter class?

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    • I will suggest an alternate hypothesis - hunters suit the play style of the best players. Both bladedancer and gunslinger have very high agility by default, and can reach higher maximum agility than any other class. Also gunslingers have a couple of useful weapon-based perks on their class list. If you are a top-tier twitch-shooter, bringing Thorn+shotty or sniper, and you expect to not get hit, it is the clear choice. For me, I do better as a warlock or titan because I need the armour. I get hit a lot. I'd be very interested to know if the hunters are mostly gunslingers or bladedancers. I'd guess bladedancers - the blink jump, the crouch-triggered invisibility and the full-weasel super probably give it the edge.

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      13 Replies
      • They maybe the best in pvp but they are probably the worst in pve. This is just based off supers, not player skill

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      • Golden Gun is clearly a great super in PvP; Blade dancer is crazy great in control and inferno.

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      • It's down to two things 1)mobile supers tend to be better in PvP compared to stationary which is what hunters have two of 2)bladedancers can use invisibility to cheat the one thing that so many rely on, the radar

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        • I think you're right. For PVP at least.

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        • Hunter is easiest for me in Crucible by leaps and bounds. The agility + blink + either OP super makes them the best in PVP IMHO. You can't argue with your stats tho.

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        • Hunters - best PvP class, very situationalized in PvE. That's really all there is to it. But nothing matters more than the player behind the controller

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        • Eh, I deleted my hunter because I sucked ass with him on crucible. #warlock4life

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        • if you watch some of the best destiny pvp players on you can see that they play with all classes but they all love hunters the most. Unique specials able to kill more opponents and very fast moving ability is all they need. The best players play bladedancer (they usualy act like ppl with ADHD, never stands still, still needs to do moves with their finger when the game is loading, talks fast, act like permanent nervous, read twitch messages while playing etc) and players who are not physicaly able to play that fast usualy ends up with gunslinger.

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        • Cry it out. Might help..?

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          3 Replies
          • disagree. it depends on the crucible type. a team full of Titans with bubbles and slams in Control will dominate a team of Hunters. depends on the situation and how teammates work together. a nova bomb or Titan slam will easily kill you easier than a golden gun or blade dancer unless you get two golden guns on those -blam!-ers once they start their supers it's over. this is coming from a primary hunter player with a pretty good pvp track record

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          • Stats don't lie. Hunter's are the best class in Crucible. I don't know why so many people try and argue with this.

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            • Yes hunters are strong in pvp, but if you think you becoming a top 100 player by playing hunter you are mistaken

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              • Numbers that don't necessarily correlate to the "OPness" of Hunters: [quote] 63% - Hunters 23% - Titans 14% - Warlocks [/quote] And from said numbers comes the concluding remarks couched in baseless skepticism: [quote] This leaves two conclusions: 1. Good players play Hunters. 2. Hunters are the most powerful class concerning the Crucible. [b]Personally I doubt 1, at least in with this numbers.[/b] Hunters are the most played class, but the distribution in pure played classes is somehow like 38:31:31 (H:T:W). [/quote] And then there's this: [quote]Don't get me wrong, kids, I'm not calling for a nerf or anything. I just want to discuss the numbers.[/quote] Event though the title of this post is: [quote][b]The classes are unbalanced in PvP and Hunters are heavily OP (Proof inside!)[/b][/quote] Yet, you could have "discussed" anything like, "Sunsingers' glide is severely underpowered!" Or, anything lacking in another (sub)class The numbers had already been "discussed" and there was a subsequent nerf to Hunters' damage resistance. Enough with these posts, please.

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              • No linked account=opinion doesn't matter. Thread closed [spoiler][i]Bye[/i]Felicia[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by Capt NSFW_Beard: 3/31/2015 12:46:23 PM
                  Proof all I see is the top crucible players play Hunters.... Proof would be 3 equally skilled players that are familiar with each class play numerous rumbl matches. You would have to have each player play a specific class and sub class. All same gun load out. Mark the winner and have them play another 10-15 matches. Get the average You would have to acount for all combinations of subclasses. Each player would then switch classes so you can rule out the variant in player skill. In the end you are looking at 810 rumble matches to completely and accurately test each class with each player. In the end if hunters had the greater average of kills and wins. Then you can say you have proof. As of right now you have nothing

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                • Now check for 2 other weapons.. TLW and shotguns..

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                • I'm still waiting for your proof on the subject. The numbers just prove that people like to play as a hunter in crucible. But they are nowhere near being OP. A hunter in bladedancer can take out multiple enemies more often, but they hardly get any damage resistance when in their supers. They are trumped by all other supers. Sunsingers complain about being vulnerable when using self res. Why use self res in pvp? Why not radiant skin and gain even more damage resistance. Claws of ahkkkkk. Two fusion, two melee over shields. Void walkers can take out a charging bladedancer with their super. Also have that helm of ahkkkkk that increases damage resistance. Titans FoH... doesn't even need to be mentioned. Trumps all. But what about the bubble? Armor of light. Helm of Saint. That is all. Hunters = high risk/high reward. More mobile, and agile. A jump that most fps vets are use to. Not mine, nor any other persons fault you go into crucible with a pve setup thinking you're going to wreak havoc then come into the forums and try and stir a pot that is already -blam!-ed due to a shit community.

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                  • While I agree the OP hasn't provided "proof", I still agree that hunters are favored in PvP because they are stronger then the other two classes in the crucible. If you think it's a coincidence the majority of the top 100 play a hunter then you are ignorant. I have spent some time looking at these players stats on DTR and most play all 3 classes, but their KDR is much lower on the other two classes. Players with a 3+KDR on their hunter often have barely a 2 KDR on other classes. This shows that yes, other classes are still viable, but not nearly as strong as hunters.

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                  • I love how you specifically mention PvP but fail to mention PvE since hunters, especially blade dancers, are underpowered in PvE. It just proves that players get pissed when they die consistently.

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                  • There is no such thing as balanced. Even in a game like battlefield there are guns that are way better than others. Also every other super can be considered op. I find it annoying when a Titan pops a shield and camps there with a shotgun and saint 14. Or a warlock self-revives and meles me for an overshield. Etc

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                  • Good players do not use hunters. If they were truly good players, they would play with the worst class. I play as a Defender, probably the least offensive class in Destiny, and I do so because I think that I am good enough, and because the Defender has no offensive supers. Running around killing people with invulnerable supers which have auto aim, is not skill. I have tried it. I literally closed my eyes, and got four kills, by whacking the buttons last time I was a blade dancer. Supers skew statistics, and make average players look good.

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                    10 Replies
                    • Someone's been blade danced a few too many times...probably just as frustrated as I get when I'm nova bombed or titan smashed.

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