Well A. You have less than 11 days of playtime on your warlock B. You used almost all shotgun. And C. You are currently using sunsinger, but have a Voidwalker exotic equipped. The more you know.
NEW VIDEO THIS FRIDAY!!!!!! CALLED [b]I'm a better Hunter/Titan with my WarlockGod! Episode 1: Warlockgod Never Dies. [/b] IF YOU DIDNT SEE BATTLES IN THE CRUCIBLE 1 & 2 WATCH NOW!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E4t6lV-_8s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-UfkQzKZIY #WARLOCKGOD #CRUCIBLEGOD #DAYONEWARLOCK #SPACEHII
What I do in pve Is none of you business
Then don't advertise it.....