How cool would it be if Bungie released some Mini DLC that served as short prequels to where we are at the moment in the DESTINY universe.
For example, a mini DLC called "[b]Battle of Twilight Gap[/b]" which was say three missions culminating in the Battle for Twilight Gap and utilised a slightly expanded version of the Twilight Gap Crucible map. Make it $3 or $5 and have it consist of a small number of new missions and one new exotic weapon and include some NPC's of characters we only read about in the grimoire.
Would be pretty cool and allow us to experience a bit more of the obviously vast and rich backstory that we can only access through reading the cards.
There are plenty of other stories in the grimoire that would make great playable prequel material.
What else could be mini DLC prequel content?
Shameless self bump