My name is Matt. Ask anything and I might answer if I'm conscious.
[spoiler]destiny is a game, I play warlock[/spoiler]
[spoiler]did the above spoiler because some guy wanted me to move this to #offtopic[/spoiler]
WOOO! 200 posts and counting! Keep the questions coming guys!
My name is Matt too. How does that make you feel?
I read a post that you stated being a PlayStation guy, solid choice. Husband and I have been with them since 1. Whats your favorite exclusive game? Lol[spoiler]ohhh i can see the hate comments already! [/spoiler]
Is Matt short for something else?
I have a friend named Matt. Are you two related?
Umm I think this should be in #Offtopic Just asking
Whoever the moderator is that moves my post I would like to ask you why you had to hijack my post and not give me a concrete and outward reason in the form of a post.
I see this got moved to Offtopic. Awkward.
Are you friends with A Titan?
U play on Xbox One?
My names Jeff
What is the square root of Pi?
Move this to OffTopic. Adding spoilers that have no relations to your topic doesn't make it #Legit. Please do so immediately, Thank You.
what's your name?
How do you feel to have one of the worst names in history?
Edited by Found_Verdict: 3/22/2015 10:35:57 PM
Whats it like having the same name of something people walk on ?
Hi matt I'm Rob how you doing :)
#mutedforuselessthread [spoiler]drops the mic[/spoiler]
My name is Matt as well. Are we the same person?
Do you munch carpets?
What is your name?
I have a Warlock, have a Hunter, no Titan..... Want to build a third character, what should i build??? Have duplicate full crota gear for Hunter and Warlock not being used, and plenty exotics for each but no duplicates. Also have vanguard gear for Titan but soon it will be useless. Only exotic weapons I'm missing is suros and thorn, haven't finished the thorn bounty cuz I suck at crucible. Not missing any crota weapons, had duplicates on most, but dismantled some cuz I didn't see the need to keep them all. I do my Crota and VOG raids every week along with nightfall and weekly. So if you can see, the debate to build a third or not is real because I play enough as it is Next question..... Why do I suck at crucible???
Gr8 B8 M8 8/8, cuz I Apprec8 and please don't H8
T #mattmasterrace. #titanmasterclass
How cool am I 1 - 10?