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3/11/2015 3:40:56 PM
Sorry you have had bad experiences with christians .... There are fake christians out there .... But those that believe the bible don't pick and chose what to believe. Those who actually follow Christ follow the entirety of the bible. Which by our standards we cannot .... We can only hope to be like Christ and in turn he by his grace loves us and saves us. Prove to me where and when and show me proof that the bible has been proven wrong and false .... In fact many people have tried to prove it is false in 2000 years and none have done so. In fact some of those that set out to prove this have actually turned to God after finding they were wrong and that he does truly exist. You can say all you want and bash me or christianity .... But the truth is God exists and is alive .... You'll find out one day but until then you can by free will chose to ignore him and follow your own path. Nobody can stop you .... I'll pray for you and hope one day you'll see the need for salvation. And the apple actually has nothing to do with the first sin .... It's just symbolic .... The reason sin entered into the world was because satan .... ( the serpent ) deceived Eve into thinking God lied .... God said don't eat from the tree for you will die. Not physically but spiritually. Satan said you won't die which in turn Eve wanting to have knowledge " like " God ... ( just like lucifer did in heaven and then was cast out and is now satan ) the fruit in which she ate only gave her knowledge and since then humanity has chosen to rule itself and walk in sin thinking man could save himself instead of relying on his creator and the love, compassion and grace he has for us. I'll be waiting for that example of where, how and when the bible was shown to be manipulated and wrong. Because yeah the bible has different translations; NLT, KJV, NASB etc .... Which are all worded differently .... But the message NEVER changes .... christ died for you, God loves you and you can't save yourself .... We are all sinners in need of a savior and by Gods grace he sent his son to die for you so that you could come back to his eternal plan and have eternal life. THATS IT AND THATS HOW SIMPLE IT IS! I just love how you try SOOOOO hard to prove the bible/God are wrong and don't exist. If he doesn't exist why try so hard?

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