Proven false by who atheists?
Atheists will say anything with the bible is wrong regardless of its 100% true. If Jesus was in front of them they will refuse to say it's true.
Funny how many many scientists and atheists have set out to prove the bible wrong but yet have turned to God afterwards .... Knowing that God is real
No by phycologists and scientists who realize that just because there is a correlation in things does not mean they know the cause. Nothing to do with atheists.....correlation\=correlation its a basic thing to go by to not claim false causes.
So your saying it's just a coincidence that things for told in the bible are coming true and things written in the bible are being discovered in the Middle East. And it's all just correlation?
They might be coincidence they might not, let people believe what they want
I do .... It's not my position to make people believe anything. But when people laugh attack my beliefs i will defend myself