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3/5/2015 5:25:20 AM

Destiny's Unfair Loot System (Bungie please friggin read this)

Ok so first off, I love Destiny. I have played it every day since I got it. I have played countless hours to get one char to 32 in a matter of a few months and another to 30 in just a few months. I think its safe to say that I put an ungodly amount of time into this game. I buy the DLC (even if its cut content) because I truly love this game. So before you all say stop bitching please just hear me out becuase this is coming from a place of deep irritation from a game that I truly care about. I, being a clan leader of a small but active clan, have taken many people in many raids. Ive dont the raid multiple times a week with different chars and helped many people even when I knew I wouldnt get anything from it. I love seeing people get Exotics and applaud them when they do. That being said, I have never myself gotten an exotic outside of buying it from Xur. Now dont get me wrong, I know they are rare and should stay that way, but when I help a level 24 through VoG and he gets not just the SUROS but a Hawkmoon as well on the first visit and Ive yet to get as much as a glimmer of a yellow peice of anything...I start to get upset....but when the next one scores Truth and Monte Carlo the same visit and Im still looking at my UNGODLY amount of shards I will never have any use for and still no exotics?? Im about to give up on this game and find a new hobby becuase the amount of time Ive invested in this product has yet to bear any -blam!-ing results! This loot system runs on luck...which is the STUPIDEST SYSTEM EVER! I feel like no matter what I do, no matter how many hours I pour into this -blam!-ing game, the hard work never pays off and it all comes down to a -blam!-ing rigged luck system! Players who put more time and effort into this damn game should be reaping some damn bennifits for the time they invest but instead, if you have bad luck, guess what? Youre -blam!-ed like a duck in the oven! Engrams dont drop for higher level chars any more than a fresh level 20 so really what the -blam!- is the point of playing anymore when I have no chance to up my chances after a certain level?? Players in crucible who get 2 kills and 29 deaths scoring a Ghorn???? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Think about your damn players first man! You wanna nerf everything based on PvP? Fine. You wanna nerf all the guns to ballance the (PvP) game? -blam!-ing FIne. But for gods sake will you fix this peice of shit loot system before i take this game and use it for target practice!? Please!!!

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