Let's see...
Attempted to find a new job numerous times. I have 2 years retail experience, and 6 months as a sale rep. I can not land a job in either field.
Living on my own, with a dead end job. Making less than $11,000 a year. Forced to not pay certain things that I should be. Eating maybe once every other day.
I can barely make my credit card payments. So my credits down the hole. As I said, been looking in the field that I know well, but no luck.
I have been pushed to get my CDL license or even get fork lift certified. But that costs money I don't have.
So my immediate future is looking rather bleak, to say the least.
Unfortunately I don't have any answers really to this. A lot of people in your situation live with roommates or parents to help ease the situation. Some work two or even 3 jobs. Myself I live with my gf and her mom and both have money coming in so things get split 3 ways.
I wish you all the luck, and may your luck change for the better in the near future.