So apparently "KirmitTHEfrog", the guy who deleted the kid's characters over SharePlay recently, is innocent.
[url=]Here's the interview he did with Game Informer.[/url]
So what do you think? Is he telling the truth? Or is this just more trolling?
All of you people are heartless, which I'm not surprised at all about. At first I sided with the kid and was angry for him that he lost his 2 high level characters, and thought Kermit was a real ass. But now that I read this, I truly believe that he is innocent. He suffered trauma in a car accident and you guys are saying he and his mom made this up. The trauma made him unable to work and with all those bills stacked up, the last thing he would want to do is go troll some kid and delete his characters. He just wanted to get extra work done, and rest at home. I have lost progress in multiple games, including MW2 and Battlefront due to kids playing on my Xbox and messing around. I can relate to what he claims because of this. And the worst thing you can say to someone is that you hope they or their family gets cancer or dies. This really is brutal to the guy because he did lose his sister to cancer about 4 years ago. Give the guy a break and stop threatening an innocent man.