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originally posted in: "KirmitThefrog" comes forward.
2/24/2015 3:55:28 AM
As I said in another reply, I offered to help the kid. What else am I supposed to do about it exactly, aside from remain vocal against people like this Kermit guy? And clearly the kid's parents took no issue with him playing this game or streaming, rendering the age restriction null and void in any legal sense. And yes, it's hypocritical because I'm sure on several occasions in your life, you bent or broke the rules. Now you're telling me he should be punished despite the fact that his parents clearly allowed it.

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  • Ok, keep telling yourself you are an activist. That's adorable... So, because mommy says it's ok... Other restrictions be damned? Shows what a great mother she must be. Probably why she did not teach the kid not to cheat or trust strangers... Hmm... Did I not say if I broke rules I would be subject to consequences, just as this kid should? Yep... I sure did.

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  • Never said I was an activist. Just said you can have more than one cause at a time. Yes you did say that. What you are conveniently leaving out is that this kid broke no rules as far as the age restriction. It's so parents can be informed. His parents were informed. So yes, other restrictions be damned. The parents have every right to override those restrictions. But you just keep justifying Kermit's actions and making the victim the bad guy. If you got off of your high horse, and dropped the holier-than-thou attitude, you might be able to see things for what they are.

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  • And as I said, it is hardly a cause. At most, this is a case of cyber bullying, and that is even a stretch. It is just another example of someone being foolish and then not learning from said mistake. Meanwhile everyone else is "up in arms" over game data being deleted. Did he not break any rules? Are you sure? I am pretty sure cheating, or attempting to do so is a rule for Destiny... His parents were informed? He was not even informed, on not trusting strangers. Not to cheat. Not to give access to his account away, with which he could have done so much more than just delete a game file. No, it is not myself on a high horse. You are yet another in a long line of self righteous dolts. At not point have I said Kermit was right, or should not be punished. You assume as much because I am not some bleeding heart (or pretend one, as most of you are). You see, it is possible to not choose a side, yet have an opinion. I am stating logic, without the presumptuous air or "feeling" or "morals" people hide behind. It is quite simple... I think that most rules in place on games, internet and real life are ridiculous. However, they are in place and as such must be adhered to. That goes for everyone, regardless of age or any other pretenses one tries to hide behind.

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  • And that is precisely why you are, in fact, on a high horse. You preach that everyone must obey every rule, always, no matter how ridiculous. There are a multitude of examples where that is flawed logic, but I can see referring to any will do no good. I'm sure you always obey every rule you're ever given. You also state, more or less, that anyone who has picked a side in this is wrong to have done so, and that only your opinion on the matter is valid. Anything else is being "self-righteous." People see what the kid got as being unjust. Many agree that the kid was in the wrong to try to cheat (even the kid himself), but the level of punishment he received, not only in the form of his characters being deleted, but in people like you chastising him even after his admitted mistake, is unfair. He's 11 after all. And your rants toward the parents and kid do infer you support what happened (Kirmit's actions), whether that was your intent or not. And if you think this isn't a moral issue, then you may as well beam back up to the Enterprise Mr. Spock. Clearly we're getting nowhere on this. I have to go solve world hunger anyway, and I'm pretty sure you have a parenting class to teach.

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  • That is not a "high horse", which would infer that I think I am better or arrogant. I have not implied, nor said such a thing. Certainly, one could argue all manner or reasons to break rules. I could easily justify killing someone, but it is still a broken rule. There are still consequences for one to deal with. Perhaps, if the kid had lost his toons and had to start over on his own, an ind the process, learned a lesson... Then maybe the troll would have been a sufficient "punishment". Instead, all the white knights in the world came out to power level the kid right back up. He then goes on to brag about it and how Bungie will give him Fate of All Fools. So, whatever lesson he should have learned is overshadowed by, "because I'm a little kid, everyone coddles me and I can do no wrong". So what happens the next time he runs across a stranger with far worse motives than trolling? Right or wrong is not the issue in choosing sides over this matter. Some people cannot help themselves, it is the way of the internet that everyone thinks their opinion is overly valued and must be known to all. It is also the voyeuristic, attention seeking nature so many are inclined to. It is why "reality TV" does so well. Everyone wants to be in other's business, to talk about it and compare themselves on some misbegotten level. Sure, there are some genuinely nice people that care and all that, but by and large, most just love drama. That is why this "story" is still going on after so long.

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  • I really enjoyed your debate with the other gamer. I agree completely. The kids needs to learn from his mistake. Everyone swooping in to the rescue is disabling him and making him arrogant. [spoiler]if I was his dad, I would not have posted the video on YouTube. I would have deleted his third character and made him level all 3 up for crying to me about it (for getting tricked while attempting to participate in cheats).[/spoiler] It's like if you are 11 years old and let strangers in your house and they break your stuff. Your parents wouldn't just buy you new stuff. He needs to learn. I don't think he learned his lesson if he bragging on his twitch account. I don't know his situations but his parents are not teaching him the proper way. They are just enabling him, along with most of the destiny community.

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  • Additionally, his parents are making money from the situation. He already had a Twitch and YouTube account, though I cannot imagine he had much of a following. Imagine how much traffic has increased on his Twitch and how many views that one video has after all of this. None of them learned anything, other than crying gets you out of everything.

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  • I lost faith in society. We are just falling down a black hole. All you can see is gossip and drama on the walls all the way down. In year, we will find out it was staged. Just the same way celebrity stage fights for free publicity.

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  • At that, I would not be horribly suprised. Then again, Kermit may well be the mastermind of the biggest video game relayed troll ever. This kid just happen to reap the rewards of a culture based on fools and weakness.

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