Hello there! I am Pr0z a ps4 destiny player! If you followed this game like o did than you saw the gameplay trailers that got showed and all the Dev qna sessions! For example Official Destiny Gameplay Reveal Video: http://youtu.be/gIp7vZuYzoA if you watch that you will notice many cut out scenes and just things not in the game! IF I GET ENOUGH SUPPORT WITH A PETITION AND PROOF THE COMMUNITY WILL SUE BUNGIE FOR FALSE ADVERTISEMENT!
This is hilarious
I'm sorry to say but u agree to their terms and conditions automatically upon opening and or digital downloading of the game . I can and many others understand where u are coming from but u can get more info at bungie;)
Hello there! I am falanx99....and I have no idea what I'm reading, but it's there in front of me and words are fumbling out my mouth trying to make some light of this and.....Yep I lost everyone :(
What a jackass! I'm gonna sue the paper industry for giving me a paper cut. Just another joebrony that got pissed who bought destiny and wants the game to revolve around there needs and desires. Good luck I'm sure Saul Goodman will represent you.
On what grounds do you want to sue them again?
Suing Bungie is like suing the president. You are one small person and they are a multi million dollar buissness
People should sue you instead. IMO
LAMEEEEEEE U HATE ON EVERY GAME ._. I SWEAR YOU HATE ON DESTINY,COD,BATTLEFIELD. Like be quite already and don't play the game if you don't like it there easy as that.