You ignorant little -blam!-. The kid made a -blam!-ing mistake? nobody can admit that Huh? So if I was 11 and I stabbed my dog in the eye with a -blam!-ing pencil it would be ok cause I'm young. Funny if this happened to me. (I'm 17) people wouldn't give a -blam!-. "Lesson learned" -blam!- off you and your contradicting bullshit. You ware what's wrong with the world you can't understand that when someone makes a mistake no matter the age. Or if they cheat there is consequences.
You're comparing stabbing a dog to character depletion like what??? Cmon your 17,man should be the one trying to help him out and not be a dî cmon just a little kid who just wants to have fun and your blaming it on makes me think.Whats wrong with you people?? Like do you have a girlfriend?she probably hates you bro I can just see it by you typing on the this your personality in real life?kirmit was wrong.
No your wrong. Straight up. Don't bring this to real life. Grow the -blam!- up and don't ever insult my personal life. Starting to wonder if your ISIS?
Bro you can't tell me to grow up.i bet if you were his age and that would happen to you,you would have been on your knees begging bungie can give your account back.your talking in your perspective and not his and giving opinions that are completely wrong. 1)he's a little kid 2)parents can't help him with Internet life 3)he worked hard for his stuff just for it to get thrown away that's why I hope he gets his stuff back. Give him a chance like damn
Yeah I compared it to that lmao I honesty laughed while typing it haha