so i start, i hate it when my idiot teammates take A on blindwatch, when we have fully establish B&C.why the -blam!- do you guys do this?
tactically speaking, THERE IS NO ADVANTAGES TO A FLAG!!!
it is in all purposes, a trap zone for teams that have C zone and a motivation for the A team zone to get C.i don't understand how you guys don't understand this.
post your rage here!
did not expect for this thread to get this popular, keep them coming.
1.) Teammates being -blam!-ing stupid. 2.)The lag thats almost unbearably present in every game, where I have a green bar... 3.) Fireteam of 6's vs Randoms - Teammates are shitty enough when it's 6v6 random. I don't need to see how badly they can perform when it's 6 coordinated players vs Randoms. 4.) Bias -blam!-ing maps [i]every[/i] game. Not to mention spawning on said bias maps [u]wrong[/u] side (whoever said you have a 90% chance of losing a 50-50 is 100% correct).