[b]TL:DR[/b] -check connections, 1 person with yellow or red will have crota raining "glitches" and frustration-
after paying close attention to connections and in game "glitches" my clan and others have observed that all the "glitches"
-sword disappearing
--crota shields regen
-crota kneels shorter
--crota killing sword runner off bridge
All this and more derives soley from 1 person having poor connection.
[b]1 yellow bar[/b]- can vary from being unnoticable to wrecking havoc. So youll have to guage it.
[b]1 red bar[/b]- you will most likely encounter every bug
Our conclusion is simple we will now load in, check connections, and attempt to fix them to green before running
[b]connection fixes[/b]
These are methods we use and find helpful
-[b]Person with poor connection [/b]
-quits game
-closes all apps (msgs,friends)
-relaunch game and join team
-[b]Person with poor connection [/b]
-simple modem reset
-[b]person with poor connection[/b]
-if to no resolve give it a few honest goes, and determine if lag is holding you back
-as a last resort you may have to politely ask the person to find another group (avoid this)
Well there you have it, by checking connections you can take serious runs based on player performance
I hope this helps many, because our new motto is spend 15min fixing connection, 5 min to down crota
[b]Dont waste anymore of your time and effort on the sliver of a chance that lag wont mess you up, just fix it! [/b]
[u]any more tips to fix connection issues are more than welcome, and will be edited in and given credit[/u]
Tons of likes! But lets bump it too! Everyone should know this, so we may [b]R.I.P[/b] (raid in peace)
Edited 2:
[b]your connection is only as strong as its weakest link![/b]
1 yellow can be manageable, just give it a few honest goes and see how bad it is
No Freakin Ghorn