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2/14/2015 8:38:35 PM

Valentines Day, A guide to wooing: Titans

[u]/* DISCLAIMER: This is not a guide to help you with a real life person. I wrote this for comedic and lore purposes and is not intended to actually help you with anyone in 3D world. */[/u] [b]A bit about Titans:[/b] You need to know more about Titans eh? Well, there is what you already know, big, strong and able to solve just about any problem with their fist as long as it’s not wearing a hooded cloak (believe me, I’ve tried). I’m not going to lie, personally I think the Titans are the most noble out of the guardians, the lords of Iron were the ones who built the walls which keep the city safe, to this day they remain guarding them, strong and resilient, ready to fend off any enemy that would threaten the remnants of humanity. This probably has to do with why you fell for one dear reader. Moving on, Titans can be very intimidating, why wouldn’t they be? They can be very austere people in terms of image (big and intimidating) and strictness to the rules (no running in the hangar). This is a misconception however, while Titans do hold a certain adherence to rules and regulations, they are still pretty affable people, well, most of them at least. It’s easier than you think to talk to them, just try, as long as you don’t intentionally make one angry your rib cage will stay un-fractured and intact. Like anything with a tough outer shell, Titans can in fact be very squishy on the inside, speaking metaphorically of course, and literally to an extent, torsos can be squishy. Titans may seem cold and emotionless at a glance, but with myself being friends with a few, I can assure you that Titans are not in any way apathetic or bland. They laugh, they cry (even if they will never admit it), they put, they keep secrets, Titans are just as conscious as the next guardian. For every single thing a Titans hates, there is at least one thing that same Titan absolutely adores, whether it be tulips or chocolate covered strawberries. Shaxx likes kittens and Zavala loves rocky road ice cream, just to give examples (sorry guys). Your job as the admirer is to figure out what this is, and utilize it. [b]A Titan may have affection for you if:[/b] -If they seem quirkier than usual around you (e.g. fidgeting, Titans almost never fidget). -They walk a few paces infront of you to be the decoy when outside of the wall. -Defenders tell you they have a sudden urge to take you home and protect you from all danger. -Defenders set up a bubble around you no matter how unthreatening an attack may seem. -Strikers try to solve all your problems by punching them. -They lie to the Vanguard or Shaxx on your behalf. -If they ask for your approval regarding their armor shader. [b]Warlocks:[/b] If you are a warlock looking to impress a Titan, you do in fact have an edge, an advantage. Literature, most Titans love reading believe it or not, The Art of War by Sun Tzu is a favorite among them. Bring up your favorite books with them, compare, make recommendations, it’s always fun to discuss books. As for other knowledge, Titans do like learning new things as long as it’s something practical to their line of work. With that said if you try to teach them how to determine which way is North by locating Polaris using the Leo and Little Dipper constellations on the celestial sphere, you’re probably not going to have an easy time. [b]Hunters:[/b] One would think that the exact opposite of a Titan would be a Hunter, opposite ends of the same side. One stands for order and structure whilst the other is more the type to value autonomy above their responsibilities and obligations. Some would also think this would make it difficult for a Titan and a Hunter to form either a strong friendship or an intimate relationship, I beg to differ, I actually think this has to potential to make them stronger. With that out of the way, there is one thing Titans value on par with order, which would courage. You Hunters are the very essence of bravery, show it. Titans love a good story, tell them about your misadventures beyond the safety of the wall. Tell them about the time you snuck into the Devils Layer and snuck back out with a bag full of ether seeds, tell them about the time you crash landed on Venus and had to survive on nothing but your water rations and local vegetation for weeks before help arrived. [b]Ideal Gift:[/b] A book, refer to Shaxx or Zavala for suggestions. [b]Fun Fact: [/b] Titans are more likely to mumble in their sleep, common phrases include ‘smash’ and ‘get in the bubble’. [b]Wooing Warlock :[/b] [i]Coming soon, real soon[/i] [b]Wooing Hunters :[/b][i]Coming soon, I swear I'm working as fast as I can, go watch paint dry or something.[/i]

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  • I'm inspired to write up a lil' fanfic featuring my primary Guardian, a human male Titan named Zo Dau-Rei There's this female Hunter I met a couple weeks ago while on a special recon mission for the commander on Mars. I was deep behind Cabal lines scouting movement from the Blind Legion. Word was they were moving a new piece of tech specifically geared towards crushing the Vex. I'm high on a dune scoping out the terrain when I hear a voice not to far from my right side. "You're a long way from Rubicon, big guy." If it wasn't for the fact she spoke English, I would've fired 1st and asked questions later. Still didn't stop me from taking a defensive. She de-cloaked and took a knee next to me as if the situation wasn't awkward at all. I'll never understand how Hunters can be so low key and casual, even facing the fact that if our position was blown, we'd have a full on Blind Legion platoon baring down on us with a weapon we have no idea the capability of is. "Secret mission from Zavala I'm guessing, right?" I smirk under my helmet and respond. "Perceptive of you, Hunter. So what's your excuse?" She simply shrugs her shoulders and continues to observe the area as I was. A few minutes pass before she speaks again. "I'm Mira, by the way. You got a name, Titan?" "Zo" I say while monitoring the continued Cabal movement. "Zo? As in Zo Dau-Rei? The Titan who reduced a Devil Walker to scrap metal with a superman punch? Wow. Didn't realize I was in the presence of a celebrity." All I could do was shake my head a bit. "That was a long time ago." I say in response. All of a sudden Gigas, my Ghost alerts me of incoming movement. A Blind Legion away team conducting a patrol. Mira's Ghost obviously let her in on the development as well. She clutched at her waist and whipped out a sleek red Hand Cannon. New Monarchy I could obviously surmise. "So, are we going to fight them, or fall back?" she asked. Gigas let me know she'd completed her scan, and I wasn't about to take on 45 grizzled, heavily armed Blind Legion veterans in an indefensible position. "We fall back. No need to fight them here." "Yes sir." She says summoning her Sparrow. "See ya' around sometime, Zo". And just like that, with a streak of purple light she was off. Hearing rumbling of a Cabal dropship, it was time for me to do the same. ~~~~ Last week I make my return to the tower to resupply and debrief the commander in person, as I always do being a high ranking officer in the Vanguard, when I hear Mira's familiar voice. "Well it's a small universe after all, eh?" Since I committed myself to the Stoneborn Order, I've focused solely on my duty to the Vanguard. But seeing this woman without her helmet or hood on made me do a double take. She was an Awoken. Pale greyish skin with glacier white hair that came to her shoulders. At a distance you'd mistake her for The Queen if it weren't for her eyes. Glowing orange like the purest of solar energy. I didn't take the time to notice on Mars because I was focused on the mission, but she was a curvy, athletically built woman. Clearly battle tested, as a physique like hers comes from nothing less then seeing the horrors the darkness throws at us daily and being up to task of beating them. A couple other Guardians near by took notice of her ample form. Can't say I blame them. Hell I think I even saw Rahool give a glance out of the corner of his eye. As she drew closer to me, I had to fight myself from looking at how her hips swayed as she walked. "Back from another harrowing mission I presume?" "The darkness won't rest in trying to destroy us. I won't rest to repay the sentiment." I say in response. Her eyebrow raises and she gives a coy smirk. "Spoken like a true Titan. By the light, are all of you like that?" she says semi jokingly. "Sorry. It's been a while since I've spoken candidly to anyone." Resting her left hand on her waist, she responds. "Well then, I guess I'm just going to have to teach you how to lighten up then, don't I?" Now my eyebrow was the one that raised. "And how do you plan on doing that?" I ask. "You go and turn in your reports. You resupply your stocks. Then, you and I go down to the city and we have dinner. As in actually cooked food. You remember what that is, don't you?" She says with the same coy smirk as before. Could you believe it? I was getting on a date by this Hunter. Before I even had the chance to say anything otherwise, she turns heads for the hanger. Rahool the old codger heard everything and chuckled to himself. The couple Guardians standing next to him going over their Engram schematics...both Exos were chuckling, too. All I could do was shake my head and go about my tasks. Sure enough, we did go into the city and have dinner. And after, we did other things that I'm not at liberty to say. Where things go with us now is a mystery. But I think I may have found the yang to my yin. The light works in mysterious ways.

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