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2/11/2015 6:22:50 AM
A K thoughts EXACTLY. unfortunately tho, english is not my main language so i could not have put this is words the way Kirk did no matter how hard i try, but he's right nonetheless. sadly enough, in pretty much everything he says. i kinda knew this 'burn-out' was coming sooner or later, so i did my best to get prepared for it. i have been playing since September (2nd or 3rd week of this game) but only as a Hunter. few weeks ago i've created a Titan and leveled it up to 30 so it's now ready to do Nightfalls and Raids, and this week i've started a Warlock. learning to play effectiveely with the two "new" characters will probably keep me entertained for a while, however most likely not long enough for the next DLC to be released sooner than i hit the same wall again (...and again) this is what Destiny has become for me: a) Nightfall - especially on my two new characters (well, just one for now, the Lock is too low level), i don't even do it for Exotics, or rewards in general, i do it mainly for the 'XP boost' helping my new chars reaching max level without the endless grind b) Weekly - for more (however currently useless) Strange Coins, eventually Xur turns up with HEavy Ammo synthesis, so i'll most likely fill my tiny Vault with them c) Raids - putting Bungie's "improved" loot system to a test, although i seriously struggle to tell the difference between this and VoG when it comes to loot (i did the Raid for the FIRST time ever with my new Titan who's got ZERO raid Weapons/Armor and ALL i got were Shards and Energy from the ENTIRE raid - really very improved) ...all-in-all, even if i do it on a different day for each of my characters, this takes me roughly 1 hour to tackle Crota's ENd HARD mode - beaten it once, got ZERO primary weapons from Crota (which happens to be pretty much the only interesting loot, for me anyway), but i am going to stay as far away from this as i possibly can at least until i match the level of the hard mode (probably with the next DLC). there's simply way too many bugs in there - i did my homework and took notes of "why we fail" and was horrified when i realized that 7-8 times oout of 10 is due to bugs, with only 2-3 being caused by our team doing something stupid. the Heavy Ammo bug is real, i seriously do not feel like farming Eclusion Zone (or do any other type of farming as a matter of fact), Xur has not sold the heavy ammo packs for weeks now, ....need i say more? TL,DR - i seriously like the game, i really, honestly do. what i do not like is the way Bungie treats this 'child' of theirs. the numerous meaningless 'patches' as well as the complete and total lack of reasonable communication, while the 'hardcore' players leaving the game by hundreds (well, dozens for sure) simply cuz they keep failing to add anything 'worthwhile' or, more importantly, fix the ACTUAL bugs. much as i didn't want this to happen, my playtime is significantly reduced to the very very minimum peace out @Kotaku (Kirk) - very very well put, great article indeed, i only wish EVERYONE at Bungie/Activision reads it

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