Why does everyone want them to add these planets to our list? I would much rather go to Saturn or the failed star Jupiter than these smaller planets. They're not even scientifically interesting places.
What do you guys think?
Stop calling them moons you idiots. There is only one "Moon"
Holy shit, are you f*cking stupid? The Earth isn't the only planet that has a moon. You're an absolute imbecile. That's common knowledge everyone should have.
Wow u must of failed astronomy bad.
Europa would be awesome. A moon with similar properties to earth in regards to tectonic plates and a shifting core that could suggest life underneath the ice covered top. Imagine an underworld full of darkness covered in ice and water, and massive sea creatures. Possibly could be the most exciting celestial body they could place us in
Earth has the Moon, all other planets that have satellites have moons, lower-case. While they may "technically" simply be satellites, the term "moon" is still proper.
Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 2/15/2015 6:56:17 PMTo clarify, there is only ONE MOON. Moon is a proper noun referring to Earth's satellite. Many planets, such as Jupiter, have satellites, but they are not technically moons Edit: I'm just defending his point of view. Calling things moons is perfectly acceptable
This is meant as a joke boys. The fact he had to Google those names means he also found out they were moons. As well as how impossible Jupiter would be. Anyway. Titan would be nice, but I'd like them to explore Mercury a bit more, instead of just one crucible map
I am starting to get tired of your idiotic posts about "astrophysics". Obviously your astrology teacher was a horrible instructor but that doesn't mean you have to shower us in that stupidity as well.
I really hope you are trolling, because moon covers far more than our Luna.
[url=http://youtu.be/aQKgpm1SJmQ]But is the moon a planet or a star?[/url]
Europe is a country! Wow you slept through geography. Also Titan is a class, not a planet.
Titan and Europa are moons of other planets, you idiot. "Moon" is not always a proper noun.
Please tell me you're trolling and not actually this stupid
I'd rather go to the Sun.
[quote]Why does everyone want them to add these planets to our list? I would much rather go to Saturn or the failed star Jupiter than these smaller planets. They're not even scientifically interesting places. What do you guys think? Stop calling them moons you idiots. There is only one "Moon"[/quote] Those are Jupiter's and Saturn's moon's
B8er...we meet again. Have fun.
That troll came from the moon
Edited by Ataksia: 2/14/2015 11:38:07 PMDo you prefer we call them satellites? Also the Moon has a name too. Ever heard it? It's called Luna. Titan -> only moon with a complete methane cycle. Read up on the Huygens probe to Titan. Europa -> this moon has ice as a crust and is believed to have molten water (think about it). Jupiter -> no attainable surface Saturn -> just a smaller Jupiter. Would be cool to fly near the rings though.
Edited by Turtlessssssss: 2/15/2015 12:24:20 AM"There is only on moon" that has to be Satire right?
Look at his name... He's purposefully saying this
Edited by Necrotik: 2/14/2015 10:24:14 PMSee as Saturn and Jupiter are both gas Giants I'm not sure they would offer much cool landscape besides space stations. But Titan and Europa are smaller moons that could have very diverse landscape. Europa would be the first ice based landscape in the game I think PS. There is more than one moon, mate. We call our moon the Moon because it's the first one we saw, hence it's a name and classification. Check....any science book.
These are moons you "idiot". And these locations are cool because they are accurate locations of any presumable life bearing worlds outside of the asteroid belt. Open your brain and stop wanting things that are too easy to understand.
It would be considered more correct to call them satellites rather than planets if you do not care to call them moons.
There's is only one moon lmao.
What else should they be called? Natural satellites?
There is only one Moon, but many moons.
Ohhhhh that edit makes me want to cringe. Just because we call our moon "Moon" doesn't make other moons not moons. If it orbits something other than a star, it's a moon, ya feel me?