My main is a level 31 Titan (need 2 more armour pieces and a ton of shards to hit 32). I also recently started a Hunter which is currently level 26.
I'm seeking a clan for pretty much all group gameplay (nightfalls, weekly heroics, raids, even Crucible/ROC Strikes). Hopefully this clan would not just want to run things with my main, but also be willing to do raids etc. with my alt (maybe on your alts?) so I can maximise my drop potential.
I'd PREFER to find a clan somewhere near my timezone (I live on the east coast of Australia - AEST timezone) so that our times match up a bit more, but that isn't a must since people play all the time...
Hey fellow aussies!! New Clan Opportunity! With the aim to be one of Australia's elite Destiny clans within the next 12 months, Art of Efficiency will be starting a recruitment window from today until the 21st February. This initial window of recruitment will be open to 12 guardians seeking a clan with flawless ambitions to successfully run through raids and weekly/nightfall events with relative ease (PvE). To be successful, the candidates will need to fulfil the below criteria; Vault of Glass Hard Crota's End Nightfall Minimum level 31 Team work Fun Upon completion of the above criteria, you will then be placed into a pool with other candidates for selection. Once our decision is made, you then can become part of Art of Efficiency. Art of Efficiency will be looking for members to be able to contribute to all guardian types to further enhance our teamwork ethos throughout all Destiny game types. Efficiency is the key to being part of AoE and we are looking for flawless raiders to consider being part of the next generation of Destiny Clans in Australia.